Chapter 6.

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Nora's POV

"What would you like for dinner today Mr. Enzo?" I asked as he came through the door. His usually well style hair was slightly mussed, and his tie was loose around his neck. It looked like he had a long day.

"It doesn't matter Nora." He barked. Okay, I guess he wasn't in a great mood at the moment. Even though I knew it wasn't about me, I couldn't help but feel that me just existing was annoying him.

I started filling a large pot with water to make an easy pantry pasta. I did most of the cooking since he worked so often. I used to do all of the cooking at uncle's house, and we didn't always have a stocked kitchen, since most of his money went to his addictions. I had learned to get creative with my cooking. Surprisingly enough, uncle had high standards when it came to his food. I pulled ingredients out as quietly as I could, trying to keep from upsetting him again.

I felt him moving behind me, but I didn't look up at him. Though most days we coexisted perfectly, and he was typically very sweet with me. I wasn't used to him being like this with me and I didn't know how to react. Moving in here has been a major adjustment. I had so much freedom here that I didn't know what to do with.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just had a rough day at work." He approached me and tucked a stray bit of hair behind my ear.

"I-It's okay Mr. Enzo." I stuttered, slightly flustered at his touch. It didn't feel okay. My heart was still pounding from when he snapped t me. I just said it was because I thought that would be what he wanted to hear.

"How many times have I said to just call me Enzo?" he smiled, his fingers lingering on my face.

"Probably a hundred by now Mr. Enzo." This elicited a chuckle from him. Now this was more the Mr. Enzo I was expecting.

"What if neither of us cooks tonight baby girl? Let me take you out. We can go to one of my restaurants." He pulled me away from the kitchen counter and twirled me towards him, my hair fanning out around me. Though it was impressive he was the owner of a restaurant, it wasn't surprising.

"I don't mind cooking. You're very tired from work already." I didn't want to be more of a bother than I already weas. It was obvious work had been hard on him, and I didn't want to add anything to his plate.

"I'm never too tired to spend time with my favorite girl." He argued lightly. My heart fluttered as it always did when he called me his girl.

"But you've been working all day- "I began.

"You let me worry about how much I work. Now you go upstairs and put on one of those dresses Rosie bought-I mean brought you." He spun me back around and gave my bottom a pat towards the stairs.

I put my hair up into a simple twist and put on a black, A-line dress. There was nothing I could do to change the way I saw myself. I was still scrawny and battered and ugly, but I thought I looked the least ugly in this dress, and 'least ugly' was the best I could do tonight. It had long sleeves and came down to my knees, so it covered most of the scars that ran across my skin. I finished the outfit with a pair of red shoes with a conservative heel.

I knew Enzo would never look at me romantically, but I had butterflies for some reason. I so desperately wanted him to think I looked pretty. It was ridiculous and I could only blame the fact that at the end of the day, I was still a girl. My hands shook as I descended the stairs to where he was waiting for me. He had fixed his hair and straightened his tie and was looking as handsome as ever.

"Look at you." He took a good look at me and brought my hand to his lips briefly, earning him a blush from me. "I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep other men from looking at you tonight. I suppose I'll just have to kill them." His tone was joking, but I was sure there was some truth in what he was saying. "Come on then."

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