Chapter 17.

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Enzo's POV

I'd like to describe myself as a confident man, uncaring almost, but now standing on Fiero's porch, I was nervous. I was nervous everyone in this house would despise me for what I did this morning. I was nervous that I had made Nora scared of me, and I was nervous if I had made the right choice with her birthday gift.

All of these things were out of character for me, but here she was, throwing me off again. I wouldn't change anything about that though.

Sack up man.

I knocked. It's too late to back out now.

"Hey man, I thought you were going to be late." Fiero was his usual cheery self again, so I supposed he deemed the earful I got this morning to have been sufficient punishment from him.

"I wouldn't miss my girl's birthday party." I clapped him on the back as I entered the home.

"Rosie would have murdered you if you did." Fiero chuckled.

"I know." I grimaced picturing it.

"Here's the birthday girl!" Rosalinda sang from the top of the stairs.

Nora emerged from around the corner and time stopped around us. The scarlet red dress clung to her curves, showing off the body she often hid away. Her hair was a river of silk falling over her shoulder down to her waist. Rosalinda did her makeup beautifully, accentuating her eyes but not masking her natural beauty.

"You're drooling." Fiero snickered conspicuously.

I hadn't realized I had gone slack-jawed, but I certainly was not drooling.

I extended my hand to her when she reached the bottom of the stairs. She was walking very carefully in the four-inch heels Rosalinda must have put her in. She took my hand and smiled nervously up at me.

"You're stunning." My words elicited a blush from her.

"Rosie thought you would like it." She admitted. She smoothed down the creaseless front of her dress nervously. Being the center of attention was bringing out her shyness.

"Rosie was right." I brought the back of her hand up to my lips. "Happy birthday sweetheart."

"Yeah, happy birthday kiddo! The big two-zero huh?" Fiero went to ruffle her hair but Rosie gave his arm a harsh slap.

"Don't you ruin her hair!" she snapped. "Happy birthday hon. Let's go on through to the dining room. All the food is set up."

I hesitated. I didn't want to ruin the mood of the dinner party, but I had to talk to her first.

"Can you guys just give us a minute? I just have to talk to Nora alone for a minute." Both Rosalinda and Fiero exchanged meaningful glances. They obviously didn't want me to ruin anything either.

"Don't be too long. The food is getting cold." Rosalinda pulled her fiancé out of the entranceway and into the dining room.

Nora turned to me when we were alone. "What's wrong Enzo?"

"Nothing's wrong sweetheart. I just wanted to talk to you and tell you how sorry I am for what happened this morning. The last thing I wanted to do was scare you. I just want you to be safe and feel cared for and I failed you this morning. I'm so sorry." All of my pride flew out the window with her. I fucked up and I was ready to take full responsibility for it.

"That's okay. I'm not upset with you." She tried to reassure but it didn't make me feel any better. She should have been upset with me.

"It's not okay, but I'm going to do better." I vowed.

"Stop." She put her hand on my chest and smiled gently at me. God she's so beautiful. I don't know how much longer I can keep from kissing her.

"The big question is, am I so upset that I don't ever want to see you again? No. You've apologized and I believe that you're truly sorry. That's that." She said this so simply like the concept should have been obvious to me.

Her directness caught me off guard. She was usually much more timid with her feelings and kept herself very guarded, not that I was complaining.

Before I could answer, Rosalinda burst back into the entranceway with Fiero on her heels.

"Alright, I've given you two plenty of time to sort things out. Now get your butts in here. The food won't be as good if it needs to be microwaved!" she snapped at us.

"Sorry man, I couldn't stop her." Fiero said sheepishly, earning him a glare from Rosalinda.

I only chuckled and offered Nora my arm which she took happily.

The dining room had streamers strung all around and sparkling confetti had been strewn over the table. There were several bunches of balloons floating around the room and a few gifts wrapped in brightly colored paper at the far end of the table.

My sweet girl uttered a nearly silent "Wow."

She's so adorable.

"Let's eat!" Rosalinda exclaimed brandishing two serving spoons.

The meal was nice. Fiero had picked up some food from our restaurant and then Rosalinda had insisted on putting it in fancy bowls and serving platters to make it dinner party appropriate. I watched Nora laugh as Rosalinda teased Fiero about one thing or another. In this moment, I looked at my family and my heart was grateful.

"Let's open up your gifts kiddo." Fiero tossed a gift in our direction and Nora let out a little squeak but still managed to catch it.

"You guys shouldn't have gotten me anything. This party was more than enough." she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously.

"Oh, stop that. It's your birthday and people receive gifts on their birthday missy." Rosalinda scolded playfully, wagging a finger.

She received some books on baking from Rosalinda, in case she "wants to bake something new in Lorenzo's big boring house", a pocketknife that had her name engraved in it from Fiero, in case "big brother Fiero needs you to protect him from the bad guys", and then it was my turn. The spotlight made me more nervous than I already was.

"I had the hardest time thinking of what you'd like, so I was selfish and got you something I'd like you to have instead." I pulled out the small velvet box from my jacket pocket.

I felt my palms begin to sweat. It was as if she was opening the box in slow motion. When the gold necklace with a simple pendant on it was revealed, I heard her take in a small breath.

"It's beautiful Enzo. You shouldn't have." she traced the delicate chain with her finger.

"Of course he should have." Rosalinda scoffed from the other side of the table, causing Fiero to nudge her pointedly.

"Do you like it?" for the first time, I was the one needing reassurance.

"I love it." She beamed up at me.

"Well put it on her knucklehead." Fiero chuckled.

I lifted the chain out of its box and Nora swept her hair up in her hands so I could place it on her. I had chosen a simple design. I knew she wouldn't enjoy anything gaudy or ostentatious. Her beauty was a classic one, and I chose a necklace to match. The small, circular pendant sat against her collar bone, right above her heart. It suited her perfectly.

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