Chapter 25.

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Nora's POV

"What do you mean 'he's coming'?" I demanded of the man in front of me. I could feel nervous energy thrumming through my body. It radiated down through my fingertips where my skin was in contact with my gun.

"I think you and I both know what I mean." he said seriously. He glanced over his shoulder quickly before turning back to me. "My name is Kristofer and I'm one of the good guys. I swear."

My heart was beating out of my chest. Enzo's coming for you. That small glimmer of excitement and hope quickly morphed into doubt. "How do I know I can trust you?" I still hadn't holstered my gun. I wasn't going to be taking any chances. I wouldn't put it past these people to play these games with my head. He might be saying anything to keep me from shooting him.

"You have no reason to trust me, but at least trust in Mr. Conti. Do you really believe he wouldn't have a plan in place in case something like this happened?" he whispered urgently.

I considered his words for a moment. Enzo always did everything in his power to keep me safe and he would have a backup plan in place in case this happened. We always knew it was a possibility.

"We have no time for you to interrogate me. Now get in that room and hide that piece you have on your belt. Only pull it out if it's the only thing between you and death. Do you understand?"

I almost laughed. There are so many things worse than death. I stood there for only a moment longer before nodding and turning into the room without another glance back.

"I'll do everything I can to keep you safe without blowing this whole mission." He said before shutting the door behind me. I heard the lock click into place.

I had just taken the word of a total stranger, but if he was going to hurt me, he wouldn't have let me keep my gun, and he was right. I needed to have faith in my Enzo. He would get me out of here.

I looked around the room and it was just as ostentatious as the rest of this damn house. I started looking for good hiding spot. If Varlam was coming, I couldn't risk him finding it and there was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't be able to keep from touching me in some way if we were alone. I needed a place that was discreet but also easily accessible in case I needed the gun emergently.

I pulled the entire holster from my belt and placed it and the gun behind the headboard of the bed. Varlam had no reason to believe I was armed in any way. I had been a scared little girl before, but I wasn't going to just take things quietly as I once had.

I knew I had been getting better physically and mentally, but I don't think I had realized just how much progress I had made until now that I had to call upon my newfound strength.

I paced the room and scraped my fingers through my knotted hair, my scalp still tender from where Raffaelo had hurt me. He was a man that we trusted, but his greed had made him turn his back on all of those who were loyal to him.

The more I paced, the angrier I got. I thought about my uncle and how he had damned me to this life, and I thought about all the men who came and violated me, not thinking twice about their actions. I thought about how I had been rescued by an angel and been given a second chance at a family. I thought about beautiful Rosie laying in a hospital bed, all alone. I thought about Tank's lifeless body lying on the linoleum floor. Raffaelo's disgusting face filled my mind. I ground my teeth together to keep from screaming out in frustration.

Plopping down on the edge of the four-poster bed, I took deep breaths. I needed to stay calm. If I got too emotional, I would make a mistake and mistakes cost people their lives in this sick game I was stuck in.

The softest knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. It was so light, I questioned if I had heard anything in the first place. A few seconds passed before the Russian bastard himself burst through the door.

Varlam never would have knocked. He just took what he wanted. I glanced over his shoulder and saw Kristofer give me a small but serious nod before closing the door again. Thanks for the heads-up Kristofer.

"My sweet pet! I've missed you so." He pulled me into his arms and ran his hands down my sides, making me insanely thankful I had stashed the holster as well. I took a breath and tried to get in the mindset of that scared little girl I used to be. The less on guard he was around me, the easier it would be to get away.

As soon as he let go, I stepped away from the bed. I didn't want him getting any ideas.

"Are you not happy to see me as well pet?" his voiced lowered and the room suddenly felt colder.

"Of c-course." I fake stammered. "I'm just a little on edge. The man you sent to retrieve me hurt me." I cast my eyes to the floor to hide the fact that there were no tears in them. Hopefully Varlam would punish Raffaelo for touching me.

"He is a bit barbaric, isn't he? I'll have to have a word with him about that, especially when it comes to handling you." he mused, his voice cheery again. "Now that you're here, we never have to be separated again!" he announced this as though it was the most wonderful news in the world. He then looked at me expectantly and I realized he wanted a response.

"I-I'm so happy." I nearly gagged on the words as they left my mouth.

"We only need to stay here for a few days. As soon as we wipe out the entirety of the Italian mafia, you and I and a handful of men will be moving to Europe to begin taking territory there. Wouldn't that be nice?" If I didn't know the kind of man he was, I would think he genuinely wanted to make me happy.

"Yes sir, that would be nice." I muttered. As of now he had kept a respectful distance, but I watched something change in his eyes as he took a step towards me.

"Oh, how I've missed this little body of mine." He whispered in my ear as his finger traced the shell of my ear and down my neck. "I want you now pet." He growled, his hand wrapping around my throat.

Think Nora! I could feel his erection pressing into my stomach. Think fast!

"Wait!" I cried out in sheer panic before composing myself again. "I'm sorry, I just...I just don't feel safe while the Italians are still out there. Can we wait until they're gone? I wouldn't be able to enjoy our time together. I'd be too busy worrying." I hunched my shoulders forward slightly to add to the small and vulnerable image I was attempting to attain.

I chanced a glance up at the man in front of me and was relieved to see his eyes soften as he took in my form.

"Of course, pet. I want you to enjoy making love to me. Don't worry. I'm going to take care of everything." He cooed.

Make love? Is that what they're calling rape these days?

"Thank you, sir."

"You get ready for bed and get some sleep. I'll check on you in a little while alright?" he looked me up and down hungrily once more and left the room, and I heard the click of the door being locked once more.

I let out the breath I had been holding. That interaction could have been so much worse. I shook my hands out by my sides to try and get rid of some of the nerves. I entered the en suite bathroom and turned the faucet on. I was splashing cold water on my face when I heard the faint sounds of gunshots. I turned the water off and listened to the sweet sound of panicked voices screaming at each other in Russian.

The calvary has arrived. 

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