Jussy(OC) x Cooper

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Jussy does not belong to me, she belongs to jade-green-butterfly on tumblr. Go check out her account and give her a follow💜💖💙💛

Poppy, Branch, and the rest of the Snack Pack were on their way towards Vibe City for a get-together party. It was true that the funk trolls could’ve gone to each tribe themselves to pick them up, but the other tribes had assured them that they didn’t need to go through all that trouble. The leaders and small groups from each tribe were going, and the Snack Pack would’ve gotten there sooner if it weren’t for what Branch spotted falling from the sky.
“Guys, wait. What is that?” Branch asked, pointing at the falling figure.
“I can’t tell from here, it’s really far away.” Biggie said.
“Wait, it looks closer than I thoug-”
“OH MY GOD! It’s a troll!” Smidge freaked out. A troll fell down from the sky and landed somewhere in the forest not too far away from them. The Snack Pack raced to find the troll to make sure they weren’t hurt.
“Where did she come from?!” Poppy exclaimed when they found her. “Is she…alive?” Branch checked her over. Mr. Dinkles made a sound.
“Oh yes! You’re right, Mr. Dinkles! I will give her the kiss of life!” Biggie said and started to lean down.
“Wait no!” Satin and Chenille held him back with their hair.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, buddy!” DJ Suki said as she and Fuzzbert tried to push him back.
“Hey guys, relax. She’s breathing.” Branch said. The troll’s eyes fluttered open.
“Hey, are you okay? You fell from really high up!” Poppy exclaimed.
“Oh, I uh…” The troll looked confused and lost for a moment before snapping back to reality.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m feeling great actually! My name is Jussy.” Jussy held out her hand.
“My name is Queen Poppy.” Poppy said as she shook Jussy’s hand and helped her up. “Also, this is Branch, Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Guy Diamond, Tiny Diamond, Satin, Chenille, Dj Suki, Legsly, Smidge, and Fuzzbert!” Poppy introduced them all.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you all.” Jussy said.
“By the way, we were heading to a party back in Vibe City, wanna come with us?” Poppy asked.
“Uh, yeah!” Jussy nodded.
“Come on, then. Let’s go!” Poppy grabbed Jussy’s hand and started running.
“Guys wait we don’t even-” Everyone else ignored Branch and started running too. “Know where she…came...from nevermind.” Branch rolled his eyes and started to pick up the pace.
Everyone kept running until they came to a river where a raft was waiting for them.
“Well itz bout time you showed up!” Dickory exclaimed.
“Dickory, we’ve only been waitin five minutes.” Hickory smirked.
“Hmph.” Dickory crossed his arms. The group got on the raft and started floating down the river.
“Why the raft?” Jussy asked.
“Well, when we float down the river far enough, the Funk Trolls will be able to pick us up and bubble us up into Vibe City!” Poppy explained.
“They use bubbles to get us into their UFO thing.” DJ Suki said.
“Oh, that’s so cool!” Jussy clapped in excitement. The group chattered for a while until they got to the pick-up point.
“So, Jussy, which tribe are you from?” Poppy asked.
“Tribe? Oh…I’m uh…not from any of the tribes.” Jussy said.
“Really? Okay then, you can be our guest of honor!” Poppy said.
“Cool!” Jussy cheered. The bubbles came down all around them and pulled them up into Vibe City.
Cooper was finally done getting ready for the party after putting on his silver rings in his dreadlocks and brushing out his fur and tinsel. His parents had already gone out onto the stage, but his brother was still with him to help him figure out the rings.
“And that’s it!” Prince D said after putting in the last ring. “Looking sharp, Coop!”
“Thanks, D!” Cooper thanked him.
“Now come on, mom and dad are already on stage!” D said and led Cooper to the stage. One of the funk trolls’ instruments had been broken, so the music wasn’t able to start yet. Cooper took this extra time to meet up with his friends.
“Hey, Cooper!” Poppy waved and ran up to him.
“Hi, Poppy!” Cooper ran towards her too. They met in the middle and gave each other a big hug. Everyone else except one joined in on the hug.
“We missed you, Cooper!” Satin exclaimed.
“It’s been a while!” Legsly said.
“Pop village hasn’t been the same without you.” Branch said.
“Nice seein ya again.” Hickory smiled.
“Aw, guys! I missed you too!” Cooper said as they all parted from the big group hug.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Cooper, I want you to meet someone!” Poppy said, jumping up and down. “We met her on our way here! I want you to meet, Jussy!” Everyone moved out of the way so that Cooper could see her.
“Hi!” Jussy waved excitedly. Cooper felt his heart skip a beat as soon as he saw her. She was the most beautiful troll he’d ever seen. A dark blush was forming on his face, he wasn’t sure if his lungs were working right. Even his legs were frozen.
“EARTH TO COOPER!” Branch wildly waved his hands in front of Cooper’s face.
“Wha- huh?” Cooper asked.
“You completely spaced out, you okay bro?” Prince D asked.
“Y-Yeah. I’m fine.” Cooper said, the blush fading a little bit.
“Well then, let’s get Partying! Ow! Ow!” Poppy cheered and skipped towards the stage. Cooper turned back to Jussy, barely keeping himself from getting lost in her eyes.
“SO! I-I mean…uh…So…what-where. WHICH tribe are you from?” Cooper asked her.
“I’m not from any tribe.” Jussy said, walking alongside him as they walked towards the stage.
“Oh. S-So you’re like a…solo…troll? Like Smooth Jazz Chaz? I mean not like Smooth Jazz Chaz but like-as in-not his music. I don’t have anything against smooth jazz! I mean…the others probably do. Not that I’m saying it’s a bad music genre! I-I just…” Cooper trailed off when he heard Jussy chuckling.
“Y-Yeah. I’m a solo troll I guess.” Jussy shrugged.
“Cooper! We gotta go come on!” Darnell called him.
“I’m coming! I’ll see you in a bit.” Cooper said.
“Okay, see ya.” Jussy smiled and waved at him as he walked away. Cooper blushed again seeing her smile and accidentally tripped over his own feet. He blushed harder in embarrassment and ran to the stage.
Quincy and Essence almost immediately noticed how flustered Cooper was around the new troll. They decided to let Cooper go off stage to hang out with her after Darnell made a comment about it. She seemed nice enough.
“Hey, Cooper! Not singing anymore?” Poppy asked.
“Nope! H-have you seen Jussy anywhere?” Cooper asked, looking around to see if he could spot her himself.
“Yeah. She’s right over there.” Poppy pointed over to where Jussy was getting a drink. “Wait, why do you wanna kno-”
“Thanks Poppy!” Cooper cut her off and started speed-walking towards Jussy.
“What was all that about?” Branch asked as he walked up to her with a drink in each hand and handed her one.
“I don’t know.” Poppy took a small sip of her drink. After a few seconds she gasped and ended up choking a little.
“Woah, are you okay?” Branch asked worriedly.
“Yeah! I’m fine. I just realized it! Cooper has a crush on her!” Poppy squealed.
“Wha- really?” Branch asked.
“Yeah! Isn’t that sweet?” Poppy smiled widely.
“I guess so. But with how he was stuttering and literally tripping over himself earlier, I don’t know how he’s gonna talk to her now.” Branch pointed out.
“I know what to do!” Poppy’s face lit up and she started running towards the stage.
“Poppy? Poppy! What are you doing?!” Branch called out and chased her.

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