Dickory x Yodeler Troll! Reader

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Throughout you childhood, things had been a little rough. Thing was being a yodel troll, you were expected to be as loud as possible without causing a landslide. That was tough because you lived in the mountains. Little you had a voice louder than any other, and it was killing you inside that you couldn't use it. Then one day it started to change. There was one family that was always coming and going. A father and his two sons. He used to have a girl too, but you hadn't seen her in a while. The father was named Mouse Whiskers. Made sense since he was short and his hair had a way of pointing out and curving up a little. His younger son, Hickory, had his hair, but grew much taller and bulkier. Towering over his older father and older brother. The older son was named Dickory. He was short like his father, but had long hair that had a bit of a natural flow to it. You talked to them when they were there, quickly befriending the older one. The three of you would hang out and have all sorts of fun together. One day, you and Dickory were talking while Hickory played with his toy horses and you were trying to fix his wild hair.

"Now that I think about it, I've never heard you yodel that much. Why?" Dickory asked. You let out a sigh.

"Its not because I don't want to. Its that I'm too good at it."

"Excuse me?" Dickory gave you a confused look.

"I'm way too loud. I would have to hold myself back or I'd cause an avalanche." You explained.

"Oh. But that doesn't mean you can't yodel at all." Dickory pointed out.

"I hate holding myself back. Its really difficult and honestly I'd rather not make any kind of music at all if I have to hold myself back." You said. "I feel like I'm holding myself as a prisoner." You gave up on Hickory's hair. Dickory hummed and looked at one of Hickory's horses. He picked it up and held it in front of you.

"You see this horse?" He asked you. You nodded. "Now imagine the entire neck and head gone, and replace that with the top half of a troll." Dickory said.

"Uh, pardon me?" You asked.

"That's a country troll!" Hickory exclaimed.

"SHHHHSHSH!" Dickory shushed Hickory and looked around. "We're not supposed to tell anyone but...there are other kinds of music that exist out there. A whole bunch! There's Pop, Funk, Techno, Reggaeton, Hard Rock, and so many more! Including Country. We haven't just been traveling. We've been visiting our mom in Lonesome Flats. She's a Country Troll. You live with your auntie right?" Dickory asked.

"Uh...yeah. But she doesn't watch me. I once left for a whole week and she had no clue. I just have a bed there." You said.

"Then come with us on our next trip. We'll take you to Lonesome Flats and you could live their instead! You won't have to worry about being too loud or causing landslides. Though you'd have to sing Country instead of Yodeling and you'd be expected to be a hard worker." Dickory explained.

"Are you kidding!?! Yes! Absolutely!" You exclaimed and hugged him. "Thank you, Dickory. You're the best." You said and kissed him on the cheek. You didn't notice his blush.

The very next day, you hid inside of the wagon as the family made their way to Lonesome Flats.

"(Y/N), come on out. We're here." Dickory said. You tumbled out onto the dirt.

"Woah." You said as you looked at the small town. "This is where your mama lives?" You asked. Dickory nodded.

"Yeah...though I haven't seen her yet...she usually meets us here." You and Dickory wondered off in different directions. You walked towards the center of the town where there seemed to be a party of some sorts. Dickory wasn't kidding. These trolls were half troll and half horse. It was so cool! You saw a little Country troll with red hair and a green tail around your age. She was dancing and seemed to be enjoying herself. You skipped up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She rurned to you in surprise.

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