Riff x Drummer! Pop troll!Reader

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"Dude, hurry up, we're gonna be late!" Barb yelled. Riff ran as fast as he could to get on the angler bus.

"Sorry! I almost forgot-"

"I don't care, lets go." Barb rolled her eyes. Riff sighed and sat down. He was getting really tired of being treated like the runt of the rock trolls.

"So uuh...where are we going?" Sid asked.

"I already told you a thousand times! We are going to Pop Village because Queen Popsqueak gave us an invitation to a party. Apparently this is is supposedly different because there's gonna be a group performing...and they've gotta rock and pop theme kinda vibe in their music. They got a drummer, lead guitarist and everything." Barb explained.

"Gnarly!" Riff said in excitement. Barb raised an eyebrow at him and rolled her eyes. It wasn't long until the angler bus finally landed and they stepped out into the bright Pop Village.

"Wait, where's Carol?" Riff asked.

"Ah she got here early. She wanted to meet the group before they had to perform." Barb explained. The pop trolls waved and smiled at them, giving warm and welcoming greetings as the three passed by.

"Hey Sid!" A pop troll called out and waved to Sid.

"Melon!" Sid smiled and left the group. Riff became nervous now that he was alone with Barb.

"So uh...did we get here early or what?" Riff asked.

"We got here a few minutes late, they're about to start performing." Barb said and quickly walked away to find Poppy.

"Oh hey, wait up OOF!" Riff fell flat on his face. When he got back up, Barb was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, sugar." Riff mumbled and kicked the ground. He sighed and made his way towards the crowd. He tried to get through, but he was stuck at the back.

"WOOOO! HELLO POP VILLAGE!!!" A loud, booming voice exclaimed. All the trolls started cheering and going wild. Riff tried to see, but he could only make out a few trolls on the stage.

"Let em know that we're still rock and roll!"

"I don't care about my makeup, I like it better with my jeans all ripped up, I don't know how to keep my mouth shut, you say, so what?"

"I don't care that I'm a misfit, I like it better than the hipster sh-, I am a natural princess, you still, love it." The first voice was a high-pitched one that sounded like a talented little girl, the second voice was a little lower, but smooth.

"Some some how, its a little different when I'm with you. You know what I really am, all about. You know how it really goes, oh, oh, oh, oh yeah." The two were singing at the same time. "Some some way. We'll be getting out of this town one day. You're the only one that I want with me. You know how the story goes, oh, oh, oh." Riff finally pushed and squeezed his way into the crowd, into the very center so that he got a good view. Thats when he became frozen in awe, he finally saw you.

"WHEN ITS YOU, AND ME, WE DON'T NEED NO ONE TO TELL US WHO TO BE! WE'LL KEEP TURNIN UP THE RA-DI-O! WHEN ITS YOU, AND I! WE'LL JUST PUT UP, OUR HANDS UP IN THE SKY! AND LET EM KNOW! WE'RE STILL ROCK! AND! ROLL!" You sang. Your voice was loud and booming. You didn't need a microphone like the other two, who looked a little bit irritated. Your voice, despite being loud, wasn't screaming. It was even smoother than the second one's and enchanting. AND you were playing the drums. Riff felt his heart thumping harder, his face heating up, and his palms starting to sweat. Oh god, what was happening? Poor Riff couldn't do anything but stay frozen and watch until the party was over.

And that's exactly what happened. He saw Barb and Carol together, talking to Riff, Melon, and Stella. Riff started walking towards them, but stopped when he saw you at the punch table all alone. He decided to at least try to talk to you. He still wasnt exactly sure what to say though-OH GEEZ he was getting closer. Oh god okay just be cool just be smooth.

"Hey there, how ya-ACK!" Riff yelped. He had tried leaning onto the table on his elbow to look cool, but he missed the table and fell on his face again.

So smooth.

"Oh gosh are you okay?" You asked and helped him up.

"I've been better." Riff sighed. He dusted himself off. "I'm Riff, by the way." Riff held his hand out.

"(Y/N)" You shook it.

This was better.

"So I uh...really admire your drumming skills. I'm uh, I'm a drummer too. I'm in Barb's band. And I-I don't get to meet other drummers very often and your one of the best I've seen so far and-" Riff cut himself off. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" You asked.

"For rambling on to much." Riff answered.

"Oh no, don't be sorry! I hardly get to have a nice conversation with anybody else like this! My own band members don't even talk to me that much. This is actually nice." You reassured him, your own cheeks turning pink.

"Wait, really?" Riff asked.

"Yeah, by the way, you should totally come visit more often. I'm the only drummer around and I don't really have any real friends. Maybe you could swing by and we can hang out?" You asked him.

"Yeah! I'll come back for sure, you seem cool." Riff rubbed the back of his neck shyly. Your hug watch dinged and lit up.

"Oh, hug time." You said. "Is it okay if I..."

"Sure, go ahead." He thought you were asking if it was okay to leave him so you could go hug one of the other trolls. He didn't expect you to hug him. He was a little startled, but he hugged back. He fully embraced the hug. It felt really nice.


"Sheesh. Demanding much?" You asked as you two parted.

"She's not so bad once you get to know her. I'll see you later!" Riff waved and ran back to the angler bus.

"Don't keep me waiting to long!" You called out to him.

"I won't! I promise!" He called back. You hummed and smiled.

"I'm totally gonna marry him." You giggled.

"What's up with you? Did you meet the love of your life or something? Barb asked.

"I think I did!" Riff smiled and blushed and he climbed inside. Barb looked over at you. Your face was entirely pink.

"Ugh. Puke." Barb rolled her eyes and smiled. "Reminds me of when I met Carol." Barb blushed a little and climbed inside.

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