King Trollex x Techno troll! Reader

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Trollex had been pretty busy lately, everyone had. Techno Reef was completely destroyed, and coral can't really be rebuilt. The entire tribe had to move and find a new home. Thanks to the other tribes helping to look, it didn't take to long. But Trollex was still keeping himself busy by trying to turn the DJ booth into a weapon. Sometimes he would skip meals or sleep since he buried himself in his work. You had to drag him away from it with the help of TBDB and Bliss just so he'd take a break for a few minutes. One late evening, he still hadn't come home for dinner. You sighed in annoyance and went to the DJ booth to drag him home by the earfin instead of the tail this time. But he wasn't there. That was odd. He barely left the booth for weeks. Where could he possibly be?

"There you are, (Y/N)!" You heard him calling from behind you. You both swam to each other.

"Where did you go? Of all places I thought you'd still be here since you were late for dinner." You narrowed your eyes at him. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Trollex apologized. "Its just, ever since Barb attacked, I've been thinking about how I was the only one who didn't have any defenses ready at all. Even though there are predators in the ocean too, we never needed a weapon against them. And I know technically everyone made peace with the Rock trolls, but that doesn't stop me from thinking that I could've done better to protect my people. We can't just keep moving when a reef is destroyed. They don't just rebuild within a few weeks. Thats why I've been so focused on turning the booth into a weapon incase we ever need it again. I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I also want to be able to protect you." Trollex apologized. You held his face in your hands.

"You're not causing me trouble, babe. I'm just worried about you. You've been sleeping and eating less, working on that booth almost 24/7, its not good for anyone. I just want you to take better care of yourself. Don't blame yourself for not having any defenses ready yet either. Any of the rulers before you could've done something, but they didn't. At least you're doing something. No matter what the reason is for, I just want you to take better care of yourself, I love you." You told him and gave him a kiss.

"Thats why I wasn't here for once." Trollex said after you parted. "I wanted to make it up to you, come on." Trollex held your hand in his and pulled you along. You had no idea where he was taking you, but it was definitely some distance from the new Techno Reef. Trollex covered your eyes with a blindfold.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes, really." You could practically hear the smile in his voice. He led you up above the water and continued forward. He finally stopped. "It took me forever to find this place. I read about it in one of my mothers old journals, but the directions to get here were hard to follow." Trollex said before taking off the blindfold. You gasped at the sight. There were thousands of fireflies decorating the sky and all over the cove. The water was crystal clear, so it wasn't hard to see the glowing plankton below you. On the land, there were strings of multicolored lights decorating the trees.

"Oh my goodness. Its so beautiful." You said in awe.

"Not as beautiful as you." Trollex said without missing a beat. You giggled.

"You smooth, romantic dork." You said and smashed your lips against his. Trollex purred into the kiss, making you smile. He knew you loved it when he purred. He led you to the land where there was a boombox. He pressed play and your favorite songs started playing on it.

"I did this because I love you." Trollex smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I love you too." You kissed him again on the forehead. You two danced and swam around the cove together under the stars that seemed to shine just for the two of you.

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