Prince D x No Colours! Funk troll! Reader

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After the world tour, everything slowly but surely seemed to be going back to normal. At least as normal as things could get with all the tribes together. Prince D loved to start off his mornings by walking out onto the balcony and looking at the kingdoms below. It was a beautiful sight. He'd always go down to interact with the other trolls and spend time with his brother. He tried getting you to come with him, but you refused to leave your house. He hadn't actually seen you since before you all had been captured by the rock trolls. It was really starting to bother him since even though you had lost your colours a long time ago, you'd still go out and hang out with him and even talk with his parents sometimes. Now you had completely shut everyone out. He was growing more concerned everyday, and it was starting to hurt him that you wouldn't even open the door to look at him.
He had had enough. Today, he wasn't just going to ask you to come with him to the other kingdoms. He was going to your house and spend the entire day with you whether it was inside your home or anywhere else you picked. He packed up a bag full of your favorite snacks, drinks, and music records. He told his parents and brother his plans for the day so that they'd know where he'd be, and went straight for your house. He knocked on the door.
"(Y/N)? Its me! I've been getting really worried about you, please open the door!" He called out to you. There wasn't any answer. He knocked again. No answer......he knocked one more time. There still wasn't any answer. He backed up a little bit and rammed himself into the door, getting it to swing open. At least he didn't break it down. One of his legs was starting to hurt though. He closed the door behind him and looked around for you until he heard crying coming from your room. He cautiously opened the door and saw you sitting down on your bed, crying. When you saw him, you tried to quickly wipe away your tears.
"Oh hey, D. I-I d-didn't *sniff* hear you c-come in." You said.
"I was starting to get worried about you, and when you didn't answer, I let myself in to make sure you weren't hurt or anything." D explained.
"I'm so sorry."
"For what?"
"For making you worry and being a burden to you." You answered.
"A burden!? (Y/N), you could never be a burden to me. What's been bothering you? I haven't actually seen you in a while and I was starting to miss you." Prince D said. You sighed.
"Remember when everyone was at Volcano Rock City and everyone ended up getting their colours back after you sang on stage with all the other leaders?" Prince D nodded. "Well, I didn't have my colours before or after that happened. All the trolls were looking at me weird and whispering to each other and a bunch of them started pointing at me and-" You cut yourself off and started crying.
"It reminded you of when we were kids and the others would do the same thing and even pick on you?" Prince D asked. You nodded. Prince D wrapped you up into a hug. He was the only one who knew why your colors were gone since you asked him to keep it a secret a long time ago.
"(Y/N), you should've told me. I want to be here for you." D said.
"But you just got your brother back after all this time. Shouldn't you be spending time with him?" You asked, your cries calming down.
"That's all I've been doing since we got him back. I decided to spend the entire day today, with you." Prince D said as he wiped your tears away.
"Why do you care so much?" You asked.
"Well, we've been best friends since we were little kids. We grew up together. You've been the one to really support me and push me and stayed by my side during everything I went through. And if I ever fell, you were always there to pick me back up."
"But you did all those things for me too." You said.
"And I'll do it again." D said. "Like I'm trying to do right now."
"But you're day of becoming king of funk is coming soon. You should be out there looking for a partner or-"
"(Y/N), PLEASE!" Prince D exclaimed, making you jump. "Please stop saying that I should be doing anything else but coming here. I care about you, (Y/N). I was getting more worried everyday since you stopped hanging out with me. I missed you a lot. It hurt me a lot when you wouldn't even open the door anymore! I was scared when you didn't answer me at all! Please stop trying to shut me out. I miss your smile, the sound of your laughter, I miss your terrible jokes, I miss you letting me be the only one to hug you, I miss the times you'd come over to my place and give me advice whenever I'd work on a new song, and I missed having you here with me like this." Prince D said.
"Don't push me away just because some other trolls thought you were weird for not having colours. I love you, (Y/N). I can't stand seeing you suffer like this all on your own." D pressed his forehead against yours.
"D. I'm so sorry. I was scared of being made fun of all over again. I didn't want to relive those days of being the outcast. I didn't want you to have your reputation ruined by hanging out with me." You said.
"(Y/N), I love you. Colours or not. I couldn't care less about what the others think." Prince D said.
"I love you too, Darnell. You always found a way to make me smile and laugh when nobody else could. I'm my best me when I'm with you." You confessed. Prince D blushed and a huge smile spread across his face.
"Can I kiss you?" Prince D asked.
"Of course." You said. Prince D gently pressed his lips against yours. Your heart fluttered as you leaned into the kiss. He gazed lovingly into your eyes after you two parted.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" Prince D asked with the same goofy smile. You giggled.
"Have you ever looked in the mirror yourself?" You wore that smile Prince D loved.
"There it is. I missed this." Prince D kissed you again. When you two parted this time, he saw them. They were still dull and just barely noticable, but your colors were there. "By the way, I brought your favorite snacks."
"OMG you're the best!"

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