How They Help You Through That Time Of Month. Pop Troll(Physically)!Reader (3)

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You accidentally stowed away with Biggie on Poppy's journey to unite the trolls. Everything was going by so fast you were just kinda there. Not really doing much. Everything finally began to slow down when you were on that raft, calmly floating down the river, sort of wishing you had left with Biggie. You didn't feel all to comfortable around this Hickory guy. When the aircraft appeared above you, you had started to believe it was a dream, especially when you were floating around in a bubble and started seeing two Coopers. Wait....the others were seeing it too. Wait...OH SHIT THIS ISN'T A DREAM COOPER IS A MAIN CHARACTER OF THE CLASSIC I FINALLY REUNITED WITH MY FAMILY AFTER BEING SEPARATED FROM THEM AS A BABY WHAT THE WHAT!?!

Oh damn his twin is hot though.

A part of you wanted to laugh remembering how you first met Prince D, the rest of you wanted to smash something. After a few weeks of dating, Prince D had invited you to move in, and you greatfully accepted. You had a few good friends, but no family back in Pop Village. If anything, you made more friends in Vibe City. King Quincy and Queen Essence had welcomed you with open arms and treated you like family. Cooper was happy to have a familar face around, made settling in much easier for the both of you. If only, these stupid cramps, would stop. They went on for twenty minutes, stopped for five, and then went back to biting at you again. You groaned in pain and curled up into a ball.

"Hey, Stella wanted to know if you wanted to hang with her since she's going to visit Volcano City." Prince D peeked his head into the room.

"Right now is not really the best time. Can you tell her that I can't come this time, please?" You asked, your voice slightly muffled by the blankets and pillows.

"Uh, yeah...sure thing, babe." Prince D responded and left. You sighed and tried to take advantage of one of your five minute breaks to fall asleep to avoid the pain, but you weren't all that lucky. You yelled into the pillows in frustration, trying to figure out what you could throw or punch without causing any damage or making to much noise. Before you could truly begin plotting, Prince D came back in and gave you a kiss on top of your head, causing you to relax a little.

"Here, drink this." Prince D handed you a cup of what looked like orange juice. You gave him a puzzled look. "It tastes like orange juice, but its actually a medicine to help cure pain and help put the consumer to sleep. Most trolls in Vibe City use it during that time of month. Including my mom. You should've seen the look on her face when she found Cooper passed out on the kitchen floor after he accidentally assumed it was normal orange juice. He couldn't tell the difference since there weren't any labels!" Prince D laughed. You giggled at the story too. Classic Cooper. Though anyone could make that mistake. You gulped the drink, now realizing just how thirsty you actually were. When was the last time you actually drank something that day? Had you even gotten out of bed yet? The drowsiness immediately hit you and your eyelids were too heavy to keep open.

"Woah. I guess its a lot more effective and faster on Pop trolls than I thought." Prince D said as he took the now empty cup from you and put it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Mmm...definitely better than any painkiller I've tried. Thank you, D." You thanked him as you began to fall asleep.

"Anything for you, Babe." Prince D kissed you on the head one more time before you fell asleep.


"Uh oh." Prince D forgot that his mom was in the middle of having the same problems.


After the World Tour, you had gone through the effort to get to know the rock trolls and their music better. You'd be lying if you said you weren't absolutely in love with the drums. And who else would be better to teach you how to play the drums better than the drummer boy himself, Riff. He was happy to see someone else from a completely different genre drawn to the drums as much as he was. Everyone else was still nervous and on edge around them, and most of the rockers were singers, dancers, and/or guitarists. He was one of the few drummers and the absolute best at it. You two became friends instantly and he started to follow you around wherever you went(your one of the few to show him kindness and affection this is the price you gotta pay). You were fine with it, he was an absolute cinnamon roll and you loved having him around. He eventually moved in with you to Pop Village. He was fascinated by their music and welcoming culture. Overwhelmed from all the kindness being shown to him, there was no way he was leaving now. Barb ended up having to get one of the other few drummers to take his place, despite them not being nearly as talented. He still got his college credit though.

It was no surprise to anyone when you two started dating. You two were the cutest couple (besides hickoppy) in the village. You were so kind, loving, affectionate, calm, caring, and gentle, he was nearly mentally scarred when he came home one day to find the place trashed. He was scared, assuming the worst and yelling out your name, on the edge of tears. He let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding when he heard your voice. He started to attack you with questions, trying to figure out what happened.

"Riff, listen to me." You grabbed both sides of his face, making him shut up instantly. "I love you, but if you keep asking questions, I'm gonna punch a hole in the wall." You said, your face dead serious. Riff was lost. Then it hit him. You were acting like a rock troll female during that time of month. Except you were still holding on to your sanity. Riff picked you up bridal style and laid you down in bed, wrapping you up as best he could in the blankets. He cleaned up the pod and put everything back in it's place.

"You uh...kinda remind me of Barb during her struggle...but uh...she didn't stop at any point and I think she accidentally punched me a few times." Riff nervously admitted as he sat down next to you. You whimpered and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you like that." You apologized.

"It's not your fault." Riff shrugged and ran his fingers through your hair. "I can't imagine what it's like to go through what your going through. Your really strong to be going through this for most of your life without any way to stop it. And despite it all, you still give love. It's amazing." Riff rambled on.

"I usually take painkillers to help, but the pain is dying down a little now. I think I'll be fine." You yawned. There was a pause.



Never let this precious bean go.


You grew up in the pod next to him. You were best friends since diapers. You gave Mr.Dinkles to him as a present on one of his birthdays after you found him lost in the woods. You two started dating as teenagers. You two were married before the world tour started. He already knew to get you your painkillers and chocolates ready before you even knew it was about to start. He was like a big pillow so cuddles were no problem. The giant teddy bear of a husband always made sure to leave Mr. Dinkles with you in case he absolutely needed to leave. Unless it was really important or an actual emergency(which probably only happened one time) he absolutely refused to leave your side. He'd ask his cousin Legsly for help sometimes when it seemed to get worse than usual. Love your big blue teddy bear and his worm son and never let them go.

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