Prince D x Injured!Reader

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After the world tour, everything had to be rebuilt(of course). At least it didn't take too long since everyone was helping each other out. After everything was mostly back to normal, Cooper decided to show his brother around Pop Village. Prince D defintely wanted to spend more time with his brother, so he agreed. Cooper introduced him to all his friends and showed him all over the place. Prince D had to admit, the place was very welcoming and cozy. He immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw you. There were all kinds of different genres of trolls in the village, but amongst the large crowd, you were the one that caught his eye. Prince D tried to move his legs, but he was frozen still. He felt his face getting warmer. Was he blushing? Yeah he was definitely blushing. He wasn't even aware of the big goofy grin on his face. Cooper took notice of his brother's condition and followed the direction he was looking at and saw you too.

"Hey, D are you okay?" Cooper asked. Prince D opened his mouth, but there were no words coming out. They both stood there for a few moments.

"Well if you're not gonna say something to them, I'll do it for you." Cooper smiled and started walking towards you. Prince D didn't fully process what his brother had said until he was just a few feet away from you. Prince D panicked and finally broke out into a run.

"COOPER WAIT!!!" D exclaimed. Cooper stopped walking towards you and moved out of D's way. He realized that was a mistake because despite literally being right in front of you, he wasn't able to stop.

After a few weeks of hard work, Pop village was finally done being rebuilt. Some of the other tribes still needed help, but for the most part, you were almost done. You spotted two funk trolls in the distance. You recognized them as the princes of Funk. They must've been visiting. There were all different kinds of genres of trolls visiting, it wasn't much of a surprise. You looked at the one with golden tinsel in his neck fur. You couldn't help but think that we was super cute. But you rolled your eyes and looked in the other direction. What would be the chances that he would even notice you? You stayed where you stood, contemplating which tribe you could help out next. Your thoughts were pushed aside when you heard someone yell. "COOPER WAIT!!!" You turned around and saw the prince running towards you. Your heart dropped a little once you realized he wasn't stopping.


You both fell to the ground. Prince D scrambled to get back onto his feet and helped you up. His eyes widened and he gasped when he saw he accidentally split your bottom lip open when you crashed. You had barely felt it and stared blankly at the blood on your fingers. Prince D puled out a few napkins from thin air and handed them to you.

"I'm so so sorry! I was going too fast I couldn't stop! I didn't mean You're a lot cuter up close." The big goofy smile from before returned to his face. You giggled.

"I was just thinking the same thing." You said. "You know, maybe tomorrow if you're not too busy and I'm not bleeding so much, maybe we can meet up back here again and hang out?" You made an attempt to ask him out. Oh geez did you just flirt with him?!?

"Yeah! I'll totally come by tomorrow." Prince D said.

"Cool! I gotta go now, see you soon!" You waved goodbye as you made your day to the doctor's pod. Prince D almost couldn't wait for tomorrow.

"I'm still here" Cooper whispered.

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