King Trollex x Techno troll! Reader

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All the tribes had gathered at the beach near New Techno Reef for a rave that King Trollex had invited everyone to. It was mainly your idea since you wanted to celebrate successfully moving everyone into New Techno Reef safely, and Trollex was more than open to the idea. A few tribes were still working on rebuilding, but they decided to come to have a nice break from all the hard work they’d been putting into the past few weeks. And the leaders all agreed that it’d be nice to meet up for fun.
“Whew! It sure feels nice to sit down for once.” Delta sighed as she sat down in the sand with the others.
"What? Do you not sit down often or something?” Barb asked.
“Not since your lil fancy hoedown, no.” Delta replied. Barb rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.  
“Right. Rebuilding. I’m sorry.”
“No worries, sugar.”
“Hey, have you guys ever been to the beach before? I haven’t! Its so cool here!” Poppy exclaimed.
“I don’t think any of us have been to a beach besides the Techno trolls, Queen Poppy.” King Quincy said.
“Oh yeah, right.” Poppy said in realization. “That makes sense.”
“HOT!” Trollzart exclaimed. “Ugh. This is exactly why we Classical trolls fly above the ground!” Trollzart crossed his arms in frustration.
"Why don’t you try hanging out in the sand near the water, or are you afraid of your robe getting wet?” Barb chuckled.
“I do not find that nearly amusing at all.” Trollzart glared at her. “And I’m still expecting a new baton from you!”
“Hey guys, are you all having fun?” Trollex asked as he floated up to them.
“Yes, we are. We’re all appreciate you inviting us.” Queen Essence answered, effectively stopping any arguments that could’ve started between Trollzart and Barb.
"I’m so happy to hear that! By the way, have any of you seen my girlfriend anywhere?” Trollex asked.
“You have a girlfriend? Ouch!” Delta kicked Barb with one of her hind legs.
“Yeah, this whole thing was her idea, but I don’t have a clue where she went!” Trollex said.
“I do not believe any of us have seen her, but we will be sure to let you know if we do.” Trollzart assured him.
“Thanks, I’ll see you in a bit, I gotta help Dj Suki with the DJ booth!” Trollex waved at them as he floated away.
“Huh. Who knew that Trollex of all trolls would get himself a chick?” Barb laughed.
“Well, he is cute and nice.” Poppy said.
“I spent over an hour talking to that guy, trolls got a personality of a rock.” Barb rolled her eyes.
“Okay, now that’s just mean!” Poppy shot back. As the two were going at it, one of Delta’s ears twitched and she turned towards a patch of trees and bushes on a hill nearby.
"Do ya’ll hear that?” Delta asked.
“Hear what, Delta?” Essence asked.
“That music, comin from over there.” Delta pointed.
“You’re just hearing things. I don’t hear nothing.” Barb shrugged.
“Nuh-uh. I know Country music when I hear it.” Delta got up and started walking towards the music. “Thing is, I don’t recognize that voice.”
“Oh! It might be one of us pop trolls. Some of them really like Country music.” Poppy said and skipped alongside her.
“Mmf. Whatever.” Barb mumbled and followed. The rest of the leaders decided to check it out. They had expected to see a Pop or Country troll, so they were a little in shock to find a Techno troll playing an acoustic guitar while sitting on a rock.
“And we’ve seen better days…whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh, but we're  gonna live, maybe have a few-” The troll was you. You stopped when you realized you had an audience.
“Don’t stop! Keep going!” Poppy said.
“Oh uh…I-I was just practicing. I’m teaching myself how to play an acoustic guitar and I wanted to surprise my boyfriend today.” You said.
“Who’s the lucky man?” Delta asked.
“Trollex.” You blushed.
“So, you’re his chick? Wow.” Barb remarked, earning another kick from Delta’s hind leg.
“Well, if you’re trying to teach yourself, you at least gotta learn how to tune it right, lemme show you.” Delta took the guitar from you and showed you how to properly tune it.
“Wow! Thank you so much!” You thanked her.
“Happy to help a Country lover.” Delta tipped her hat.
“You play wonderfully! But I did hear a few sour notes.” Trollzart said.
"Yeah, the marshmallow is right. Here, you gotta fix your position a little.” Barb helped you sit upright and showed you how to hold the guitar. Each of the leaders gave you some advice and taught you a few things right before the party officially began to start.
“Thank you, everyone. I would perform on stage, but I don’t want the spotlight to be on me. I want everyone else to have fun and enjoy themselves. I’ll perform another time, but I know for sure I’m going to surprise Trollex after the party so he and I can have some alone time.”
“Aww! That’s so sweet!” Poppy squealed.
“Bleh.” Barb rolled her eyes.

~After the party~

You thanked all the leaders again for their help right before they left and thanked everyone else for coming to the party. As some of the other Techno trolls started cleaning up, you lead Trollex to a cleared area on the beach. The sun was setting and the fireflies were starting to decorate the sky, and flower petals were scattered on the ground. You were a little surprised how perfect the setting was, but you weren’t complaining!
“Babe, what’s going on?” Trollex asked you.
“Well, I’ve been practicing lately and I wanted to surprise you.” You grabbed your guitar from the bushes. For a second, it almost looked like someone was handing it to you. You didn’t give it a second thought and started playing it.
“Oh, look at those smiles. Sun on the waves. I almost taste, the salt in the air. Oh, and doesn’t it feel, like just yesterday, was our second date.” Trollex smiled at you lovingly as you sang. “And I still get nervous, when you hold my hand. It still feels perfect, when you ask me to dance. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns grey, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days, whatever this life puts us through, baby I’ll still love you. Oh, we’re gonna laugh, we’re gonna cry, we’re gonna fight. Oh but we’re gonna live, maybe have a few kids.” Trollex’s smile grew wider and he started blushing like crazy. “Whatever happens, I’ll promise you this, when the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray,”
“The seasons all change, and we’ve seen better days. Whatever this life puts us through. Baby I’ll still love you.” Trollex sang to you. You smiled and blushed. He was definitely trying to turn the tables on you by adding in a country accent. And he did it so smoothly, it was almost as if he had been rehearsing as well. You could’ve sworn you heard a violin start playing when Trollex started singing.
"When the sun does its damage, the paint on this house turns to rust. When the future’s the past, and there’s no more breath in my lungs. When the colors fade, from these picture frames, when my hair turns gray, the seasons all change. And we’ve seen better days,” The sun had set and the petals on the ground were picked up by the wind and started floating around you two as you both sang together. “Whatever this life puts us through, whatever time tries to undo, yeah baby, I promise you.” You let the guitar hang from its strap as you and Trollex embraced each other. “I’ll still love you.” You dipped him and kissed him. That’s when you heard the squealing.
“Popsqueak, shut up!” Barb said.
“But is so cute!” Poppy said. You and Trollex looked into the bushes and saw all the leaders except for Quincy and Essence.
I knew I heard someone playing a violin.” You looked at Trollzart who was guiltily holding a violin.
“And that explains why it looked like the guitar poked out of the bushes before you even grabbed it.” Trollex said.
“We just wanted to help!” Poppy said.
“You guys set all this up?” You asked.
“Actually, Quincy and Essence did. They wanted to make sure all of their trolls got back to the ship safely, so they had us record for them instead.” Delta said, holding up a camera. You smiled and waved.
“Hey, thank you two so much for the help, really appreciate it. And thank you guys too. I was really surprised when we got here. I was just expecting the sunset.” You shrugged.
“Ha! No. By the way, Trollex.” Delta pointed the camera at Trollex. “What was up with that country accent?” Trollex blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Well…I might’ve gotten a little jealous when (Y/N) made a comment about how she liked Hickory’s accent.” Trollex admitted.
“Oh baby, I was just thinking out loud. I love you just the way you are.” You said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Barf.” Barb said, making everyone laugh.

Song used- I'll still love you by Abby Anderson

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