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He beat me black and blue, he hit every part of me with his own hands, his only limit was blood… And my face. Because when Soobin covers for me, he wants him to feel guilty, he wants Soobin to see the contrast between my perfect white skin and his hard assault. 

He smirked down at me after the 5th round of beating, I am tired but I'll never show it, I looked up at him like nothing even happened.

"Pretending it doesn't hurt won't get you anywhere."

"Pretending to be innocent won't get you anywhere." I calmly retorted, earning myself a punch to the stomach which I took silently. He scoffed at me before marching out, slamming the basement door behind himself.

I rolled my eyes.

I can't believe he still walks around as if he's a saint, trying to blame Yeji and Ryujin's dad for the woman's bruises.

But I know...I know it very clearly.


Taehyun and Beomgyu spent hours, days searching through cctvs, security cameras, paying for information, even getting some private investigators sworn to secrecy.

We had the girls stay with us for the time being, under lock and key, only allowed to leave the house if at least two members came with them.

So far we have the where, the when, but not who, as for where she could be… We have an address.

Fury pumped through me when we got the address,I ran straight to my room to get ready to raid the house but even before I could grab a knife a hand stopped me. I turned to see Taehyun.


"No."he hit the knife from my hands

"What?"I said sharply.

"You're not coming."

"Oh no no, I'm coming, I'm getting my girl."I hissed at him.

"You want her back dead or alive?"Taehyun raised an eyebrow at me.

Something inside me was irked, "is this a threat?" I questioned, catching his wrist, holding it in a death grip.

"If you want her alive then I suggest you don't go, we don't need you making rash decisions, making things worse."Taehyun spoke calmly, reasonably but his eyes were dark.

I could only stay silent knowing he was right, yet my hands gripped his wrist harder, a part of me wanting to break it.

"Use this extra energy to watch over the girls rather than to try to hurt me."was all he says before easily snaking out of my grasp.

Within minutes they all were gone, I stepped out the room, my body cold without Lia's warm touch...I feel like crying yet no tears will surface. 

I know I should go check on the girls but I'm just too tired, I turned back and went into my room letting the night sky lull me to sleep.


Soobin is a different person when Lia isn't with him… He's more savage… Dangerous.

I couldn't stop feeling my wrist, a painful throbbing from them kept irritating me.

We parked outside the address and right there on the little mailbox it said


The name seemed familiar, I motioned for Yeonjun and Kai to get in through the windows while Beomgyu went to the front door to make an innocent play.

I stayed in the car and watched them with small cameras and chips I had on them. Yeonjun successfully got into the house silently, and Kai also got in after a little struggle. I was about to check in on them I got a call.

"Yeah Soobin." I answered.

"They're gone!" He yelled. My blood went cold.

Trying to stay calm, "What do you mean gone?" 

"The girls are gone! Not anywhere!"

"Weren't you watching them?" The other line was quiet so I knew the answer.

"Soobin...I want to kill you." I seethed.

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