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Our complete reunion was filled with tears, hugs, laughs.

Turns out Lia’s wounds weren’t as permanent as James had probably hoped, the only a single bruise on her hip was still permanent. But other than that, after a few weeks she was completely healed.

But there was another problem aching at me…

Chaeryeong has been avoiding me. If I walk into a room and she’s already in there alone, she’ll leave. If I call her, she doesn’t even hear me, even when I’m standing right in front of her, her eyes won’t even stray in my direction!

I sat on my bed and let out a frustrated huff. I tightly folded my hands, feeling I want to tear off my fingers in frustration. 

Why is she being like this?!

I ruffled my hair, feeling some hairs come out.

My bedroom door opened with a creak, my eyes shot up, Yeji silently squeezed herself into the room.

Since around the time Lia came back, my heart doesn’t flutter for Yeji anymore… actually she is more like a mom to me. I nodded to her when she came in. She closed the door with a soft click and now I noticed her annoyed expression, she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned on the door.

“Are you stupid?” she snapped suddenly. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“No, I’m pretty smart.” I corrected matter of factly. Sittting straight up.

“Then get your smart self and go get Chaeryeong.” she hissed.

“She’s been avoiding me! What am I supposed to do? She won’t talk to me, won’t even look at me.” I sighed.

“Did it ever occur to you why?”

I thought for a moment before shaking my head, her recent attitude is so sudden.

“Maybe it’s because you’ve been giving me googily eyes while calling her princess!” she snapped, I shot to my feet.

“I have never gave you ‘googily eyes’.” I countered.

“Well to her you did! Listen, she likes you a lot, and if you want her, which I’m guessing you do, you better start treating her more like a queen and not a princess.” With that she stormed out.


I hit my fist angrily into the soft cushions, but it quickly changed into embarrassment, I could feel my face redden, I hid my face with my hands.

How did she even notice?...

I walked out my room, it's late at night so everyone should be asleep, well not everyone. These past few days Ryujin and Chaeryeong having been staying up together doing who knows what. 

I tiptoed into the girls room, and just as I suspected I could hear hushed giggles coming from the bathroom. I was able to make my way in silently, I pressed my ear to the door, listening.

"Does it look okay?" I heard Chaeryeong whisper unsurely.

"Yeah~it looks amazing!" Ryujin said a little too loudly, getting herself shushed.

"Are you sure? Is it too much?"

"Nothing's ever too much for a party."

I opened the door

"What party?" My words came out harsher than I meant. My eyes laid on her, and there she sat on the bathroom counter in a skin tight red dress that modestly went down to her ankles but her shoulders were showing in it’s place. Her makeup was light and sweet, her lips tainted a deep red. While Ryujin was wearing something similar expect her dress was riding all the way up her thighs. My heart fluttered as my eyes were glued to Chaeryeong but I didn’t let it distract me.

“U-uh” Chaeryeong stuttered.

“What are you doing here?” Ryujin countered.

“Where are you going?” I retorted. Both girls are silent.

“I’m going to get Beomgyu to handle you-” I pointed at Ryujin.

“And you, are coming with me.” I grabbed Chaeryeong’s wrist and led her to my room, I could hear Ryujin walking after us, but on the way I knocked on Beomgyu’s door, and in seconds I could no longer hear her footsteps. I pulled her into my room and locked the door.

She awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, fiddling with her hands, silently I watched her with narrowed eyes.

“Anything you need to tell me, princess?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No.” She answered quickly, looking at the ground, avoiding me...again.

I took long strides toward her, she noticed and started taking timid steps back, still keeping her head down. I continued stepping toward her, my eyes never leaving her. Just when she was about to be pressed against the wall I saw her stumble over a fold in the carpet, I reached out and caught her by the waist, closing the space between us.

“I love you.” the words came out of me suddenly, now her eyes connected with mine.

“You love me?”

“Yes, I love you, I love you so much. I want to be with you everyday, when I saw you in this dress I wanted you all to myself,” I let my hand catch her’s, holding it tightly, massaging the knuckles. I could see her face redden, mine reddened in turn.

“Don't lie to me just to make me feel better, I know you like Yeji, you've always liked Yeji haven't you? But you can't have her because she's Yeonjun's." Hurt grew in her voice with each word.

I gripped her waist harder, bowing my head in embarrassment.

"Yes...I liked Yeji, but I love you, I thought I loved her, but really I just missed my mom that she reminds me do much of." I peeked up to look into her eyes, they searched mine, I gulped.

She probably won't believe me… I wouldn't believe me either, I sound ridiculous!

"I-" I was cut off with her grabbing my head and pulling me to her face, landing a light peck on my lips before quickly stepping back. Her face beet red.

"If you love me then treat me like you do, not as a baby, not as a princess, but as a woman."she glared at me, her fists balled.

I couldn't help but break into a smile, a surprised laugh escaping me.

"Ok my Majesty~" I winked, giving her a long kiss back.

Here's 1/5 bonus!
I'm running on 2 hours of sleep so yeah🙂
I think I'll do another update if I'm able to get some sleep.

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