Chapter 12

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Finally after a 30minute drive they reached the the Astoria hotel(Orlando,Fl)"Well thank you dear, for the drive" said Kitty as she said her goodbyes to Felicity and Scarlett

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Finally after a 30minute drive they reached the the Astoria hotel(Orlando,Fl)
"Well thank you dear, for the drive" said Kitty as she said her goodbyes to Felicity and Scarlett. "Though we should definitely plan on meeting up" she continued.

"Of course Kits! Maybe we can do dinner in the upcoming week, Scarlett hopefully won't have the night shift and maybe you could join us Erik" said Felicity with a smile.

"Definitely though I'll have to get back to you on that" said Erik before Kitty cut him off "oh don't worry about him, I'm sure he'll be free" said kitty.

"Well it was nice meeting you aunt kitty" said Scarlett before getting back into her car, "you too Erik" she continued.

****Next day****
"So you gonna tell me what yesterday was about" said Jamie as she made her way out towards Scarlett who stood checking a patients vitals.
"Hey..gimme a sec" said Scarlett as she got done with her patient.

"Dude you know we can't talk personal stuff with patients around" said Scarlett as she made her way to Jamie whilst giving her the 'be careful next time eyes'

"God, you gotta chill Hastings. I've been a nurse 3 years, a little chatter won't kill you" replied Jamie.
You see Jamie was one of the head nurses unlike Scarlett who was a recent graduate, hence this was her first job as a registered nurse.

"So you gonna tell me bout yesterday" continued Jamie with a cheeky grin "booty call huh" she laughed.
"Oh my God! No!" Said Scarlett with a pitched voice,
"My mom needed a ride to the airport, her stupid friend's visiting from LA" she continued.

"Damn, Hollywood huh" said Jamie
"Yeah, don't be fooled though, they're  total jerks and not to mention she brought her son with her" continued Scarlett whilst taking a seat in-front of the computer, taking a look at the next nursing shifts.

"Hold up, she got a kid" stated Jamie a little perplexed.
"Well.. not a kid more like a grown ass man with all the money in the world" said Scarlett with her eyes glued onto the the screen of the computer.

"He cute?" Asked Jamie and she bent over to be at the same level as Scarlett whilst she sat on them rotating chairs.
"Umm.. depends, what's cute" said Scarlett and she looked over to Jamie before getting up the chair.

"OH HE CUTE HUh" said Jamie as she took a seat on the rotating chair, "what's his name" she continued and she opened a google file on the computer.

"Why ? What are you doing" said Scarlett she she noticed Jamie open the google page.
"Name?" Jamie asked again
"Erik" said Scarlett and she bent over to see what her co-worker did.
"Last name?" Asked Jamie
"Menendez, like M E N D E Z"

"Gottu" replied Jamie before she had all the information she needed on the man. "Damn.. he ain't cute, he HOT" said Jamie and she pulled up social media account and photos.

"That's him.. Erik Menendez" said Scarlett as she gave the photos a closer look.
"They're like freakin millionaires man" said Jamie as she opened more links. "Wait they own the Astoria??" Asked Jamie looking over at Scarlett.

"Yeahh.. though don't get me wrong, as I remember the dads a total jack ass"said Scarlett and she stood back up properly remembering the incident from 8 years ago.

"Yeah well it seems he might be visiting because the family is bought the The Ritz-Carlton hotel.. and is doing an opening soon" said Jamie as she read the news article.

"They're like reality tv rich man, look there's a picture of the Menendez man with Sylvester Stallone!!" Said Jamie out loud as her mind was being blown away by the information she read.

"Yeah well atleast on reality tv they don't make fun of kids" whispered Scarlett under her breath before the two coworkers were busted.

"Ladies, i suppose I made it clear the last time! That the computer is to check on shifts and patients NOT personal use!" Said one of  these senior nurses with much anger on her tone.
"Not back to work!"

***note*** Alright so lemme know what y'all think of this chapter and if there's something y'all would like me to particularly add? I know it's still kinda slow and all but I like my stories to be as realistic as possible and yeah I know sometimes...

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Alright so lemme know what y'all think of this chapter and if there's something y'all would like me to particularly add? I know it's still kinda slow and all but I like my stories to be as realistic as possible and yeah I know sometimes that can be boring but that's why I started my own book. I wanted to read something that's somewhat realistic and makes sense, not that others don't (don't get me wrong) but yeahhh hope y'all are enjoying the story so far:)

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