Flashbacks pt 1

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This is whatever happens in the first parts (flashbacks) of every upcoming chapter to the end
There will be mentions of suicide and other stuff so if you see this ⚠️ it means there's a triggering topic.
Apologies for the messiness, I had no time to edit lmao

Y/N meets Samantha and they hit it off, she realizes that she thinks Samantha is kinda cute despite her misogynistic demeanour and wants to hang out with her.

Y/N spends more time with Samantha.
Ezra gives her a call and is mad that she's just using him and is calling her a whore.
Y/N claps back, bringing up the fact that in the beginning Ezra says that he thinks she's boring and doesn't care.
Y/N then states that she thought straight men were actually supposed to like women and hangs up on him.
Toby talks to Adam about his feelings and
Adam suggest that Y/N might be gay considering her behaviour towards Lyra and Samantha, either that or somewhere on the spectrum.
Toby shakes it off quickly, pushing the idea away and even laughing at Adam, saying the thought of Y/N being gay is disgusting.

Y/N and Samantha get together, Toby sees them kissing in the rain and burns all of Y/N's books out of anger and embarrassment of not keeping a close eye on them, this starts his obsession with fire.
A week after Toby has a new obsession in switching between straight and lesbian porn (basically fetishizing Y/N's sexuality as a terrible way of coping).
Ezra takes away the moment by telling the group that he's now with Maria.
Y/N: oh my god that's her?? She used to fight me all the time!

Lyra: yeah! It is! Meaning your full of crap!
Y/N pulls Maria aside and apologizes, saying they should be friends.
Adam makes a small comment to Samantha saying how she "chose the wrong girl to like" and "you're in for a lifetime of toxic, totally avoidable drama"

Y/N goes over to Lyra's house, finding Toby having a panic attack trying to find the sweater she gave him when they were younger (the one he currently wears in the whole design for his character).
Y/N quickly tells Toby that she gave it to Samantha.
Toby gets angry and asks why she even likes her.
She replies with that Sammy was never there to witness all of the bad moments in her life. That it's like a new start, finally someone sees the best version of herself, someone that she really likes.
Y/N then goes on to talk about all the other things she loves about Sammy.
In the middle of her list Toby stomps on her foot to make her stop.
He says something along the lines of "sorry, tic" and Y/N playfully punches him in return, mimicking what he said and walking off.

Toby talks to Samantha, asking for the sweater back and giving her threats.
Y/N meets up with Tim, thanking him for pushing her to find some sort of happiness.

Ezra, Adam, Lyra, Y/N and Sammy walk home from school together.
Y/N and Lyra are just acting goofy and happy with each other.
Sammy is sad bc of it and Adam asks why.
Sammy says that "if anyone walked by they would think that Y/N and Lyra are a couple instead" and "Toby has a good point to be jealous, anyone would kill for someone that looks at them the way Y/N looks at Lyra"

Ezra is currently body shaming Maria and Y/N sticks up for her.
Maria grabs onto her and just tells her to stay away and that she would never in a million years would want to be friends with her.
Toby gives photo shopped pictures of Sammy hooking up with someone else to Ezra as a way for Y/N to break up with her.

Ezra gives Y/N the pictures and instead of the reaction he wished for she laughs at him, saying that it's obviously photoshopped and throws them on the ground.
She calls him a few other things, basically just taking out her anger in a passive aggressive way before leaving.
Ezra gets a different idea.

Toby gets asked out by this girl (let's name her.. Becky idk), he decides to say yes to make Y/N jealous.
Turns out she's the complete opposite, being happy and supportive of them, even going as far as to give Toby date ideas and everything.

⚠️ A day before prom and Y/N's trying on her dress.
She asks Toby to help with her zipper and he does, placing a small kiss on her neck before telling her that even if he's homeschooled he's going as well bc of Becky.
Y/N decides to help Toby by teaching him how to dance, pulling him close and y'know... dancing.
Ezra walks in and steals Toby's spot, dancing with her instead.
Before Toby leaves Ezra forcefully kisses Y/N and out of jealousy Toby punches him.
Y/N lashes out at the two boys before going off to find Lyra, saying that they just couldn't stop stressing her out for one second.

At prom Toby is dancing with Becky and Y/N finds Lyra with the rest of their friend group.
Lyra is being forced to drink the alcohol that Ezra sneaked in.
Not knowing what to do, Y/N takes her place, offering to drink most of the bottles instead so Lyra reputation isn't ruined.
Toby gets kissed by Becky and freaks out, leaving her and finding Y/N, dragging her to the bathroom.
He tries to tell her what happened but realizes that by the time he finds her she's completely wasted, finding an excuse to leave prom all together by taking Y/N back to his place.
Y/N accidentally kisses Toby and Toby is just... ✨✨✨

⚠️ Y/N wakes up in Toby's bed, everything from the night before coming back when she sees Toby staring at her, a complete look of love in his eyes as he treats her better than usual.
Y/N gets overwhelmed by all the love he's giving her, especially when she still has a hangover and decides to leave his room.
Right when she does she finds Sammy in Lyra's room crying. When she asks what happened Sammy gets up, slapping Y/N and leaving.
Lyra shows her a picture.
Turns out the reason Ezra kissed her is to make it look like they're both cheating, basically spreading it to everyone in their school.
Y/N has a panic attack, shaking and crying in Lyra's arms.

The next day at school Y/N goes to the bathroom to cry, seeing that Maria is crying there instead.
Maria tells Y/N that everything is her fault and she should've just stayed away.
Y/N finally snaps, saying things like "and you should stop crying" or "the world doesn't revolve around you" from all the built up rage she feels.
Maria stops, completely shocked and leaving the bathroom.

⚠️ At the end of school everyone is crowded around outside, Y/N finds out that Ezra is reading Maria's suicide note to everyone, basically mocking her.
He spots Y/N and starts making fun of her, saying that she's the reason his "girlfriend" wants to kill her self.
She punches Ezra, resulting in a fight that ends with her own nose broken and Ezra's eye completely bruised.

Blurry Face (yandere ticci Toby x reader) part: 2Where stories live. Discover now