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(For legal reasons the title is fake I just put two and two together PLEASE-)

Your's and Ezra's ongoing "friendship" from Toby's POV so far:




And then you guys make out and hate on Toby.

Well, the making out and hate part might not be true, Toby's just being a piss baby.

January 26th, 2010

She couldn't keep track anymore.

Definitely not on how many times her parents fought.

Lyra remembered making a list when she was smaller.
A list keeping track on how many times her father would start chaos a week... hoping that the numbers would one day die down.
She even found herself praying sometimes, something that she picked up from Connie, the only one in their household who strictly followed a Catholic faith.

Maybe she felt how Lyra did... desperate.

And maybe the prayers worked... just for tonight.

Oh how she loved tonight.
Tonight was the only night in a while that she didn't find herself scavenging for a lullaby amongst the crashing... and the yells... and the cries.
Tonight was quiet.
Tonight was peaceful... healthy, even.

For now.

Lyra tosses to her left, sinking deeper underneath the covers, her heavy eyes begin to flutter shut before noticing something quite unusual laying down beside her.
Something that she couldn't quite fix her focus upon.

"Hello, my star child."
This one little whisper chases whatever tiredness Lyra had piled up on her, gaining her full attention and forming a scream that violently pushes through her lip.
The blonde finds herself colliding with the hard floor beneath her, soft blankets tangled around her leg.

"Oh my- Lyra! You okay?"
You quickly sit up in Lyra's bed, getting on your knees and staring down at the disoriented girl.

"What the hell, ______!"
She whispers in a frantic tone, kicking the blanket off her leg and scrambling to her feet.
"You scared me!"

"I can tell."
You state quite bluntly, giving Lyra one of those famous, cocky grins that you carried around so often like a signature; pairing it this time with a slight tilt of the head and a playful yet piercing look. 
Something too powerful for 11:53pm.
Something that Lyra couldn't seem to handle at times.

"Look... I... how did you... why are you in my room??"

"I can't sleep!"
You whine, struggling to conceal the fact that the only reason you were in Lyra's bed was because you couldn't stop staring at the door in the guest room you slept in.

You couldn't stop waiting for Toby to just come out of nowhere and scare the living shit out of you.

But Lyra seemed to get the hint quite fast.
Well, of course she did, the chick knows you better than you know yourself.
She knows what's best for you and your needs.
Which leads her to giving out a defeated sigh, her tense posture slightly slouching.
"Fine, you can stay here. Just... let me go to the bathroom first."

Lyra silently slips out of her room, leaving you completely alone in the darkness again.
Great. Now you're vulnerable... vulnerable and tired.
In fact, so vulnerable that karma seems to make a sudden attack, biting you in the ass right as your head reaches the soft pillows yet again.

Blurry Face (yandere ticci Toby x reader) part: 2Where stories live. Discover now