Flashbacks part 2

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⚠️ Y/N runs off, finding Maria at the edge of the forest, trying to tell her to not walk out onto the the road.
Meanwhile since it's Toby's 17th birthday Lyra's taking him for a ride to the movies.
Toby asks if if Y/N will be coming, basically talking about her nonstop.
Lyra tells Toby that it might not be a good idea for Toby to hang out with Y/N, this alone starts an argument between them.
Back to Y/N she finally convinces Maria to step away from the road.
But of course Maria sees Mr. Tree hentai man, wanting to get a closer look she steps into the road and boom a car crashes into her.
Well would you look at that it's not just any car it's Lyra's car, yessir they were taking the same street.
Y/N is to say the least traumatized, quickly calling 911.

That night Y/N, Toby and Connie are at Lyra's bedside in the hospital.
Maria was already removed since she was dead the moment they hit her.
The moment Lyra flatlines Toby clings onto Y/N, shaking and crying hard.
Y/N hugs back, her heart dropping as she realizes that her actual soulmate just died right in front of her.
Her other half is gone. The one person that made everything tolerable, the one person who she loved the most in the world is dead and never coming back.
Her own personal sunshine was always there and the moment Y/N realizes that it was Lyra all along... she's already too deep in the darkness with no light to guide her anymore.
She can already feel herself falling into a state of zombie like depression yet again.

The next day Y/N is stuck in the principle's office with Ezra.
They both try to explain what happened but whoops, Y/N gets blamed for everything and gets suspended bc of the damned patriarchy.
That's the last time she ever talks to Ezra.
In the car ride home Y/N's mom said that if she needed to talk she's there for her.
Y/N breaks down, yelling at her and crying, saying that she was never there.

⚠️ Two weeks pass and it was mostly spent with Y/N helping Connie around the house everyday, isolating herself from everyone and just completely robotic. She would go to Brian and Tim's as well but they've mysteriously disappeared (wonder why).
Toby hasn't come out of his room for a while except for therapy appointments.
They were set up by Connie finding Toby chewing on the flesh of his fingers.
When she asks why Toby replies with "Y/N told me to stop cutting so I'm doing something else."

⚠️ At Lyra's funeral Toby traps Y/N in his own room, basically taking out all his anger on her by forcing her to kiss him.
He tries taking it further but Connie quickly comes in, taking Y/N out and trying to calm her down since the poor girl is hyperventilating and shaking.

⚠️ that night Toby kills his father, Y/N and Connie are upstairs packing Lyra's things and hear the noise.
The two women go downstairs and are shocked by what happened.
Connie is on the floor crying while Y/N chases after Toby.
Toby quickly puts on the sweater she gave him and takes all the things he needs that make him Ticci Toby.
He sets the neighbourhood on fire, and before Y/N can actually grab onto him he knocks her out.

Y/N is.. completely traumatized now believe it or not, a week after the incident her mom makes the final decision by sending her off to her dad's to help her get a change of scenery.
Toby was actually kidnapped by the police right before he escapes into the woods.
They come to the decision to make a fake dead body of him, showing it to the public as a way of saying "woah look we caught him he's dead" so no one freaks out.

Y/N moves in with her dad blah, blah, blah and she actually develops a pretty good friendship with Mia, actually attending college and living life like a normal kid.
She meets Aaron and the three of them just become one big happy family.
Y/N's thriving man yessss queen.
Toby on the other hand has completely forgotten his past life and is working for the Slenderman.

One day while killing Toby comes across a newspaper with a picture of him and Y/N at the top, he reads it through and instantly starts getting flashbacks of her that are nonstop for about a month.
He realizes that he has to do something about it and starts stalking Y/N through the internet by finding photos, news, school information and etc.
His obsession comes back hard as he finds out more about her and his past life as well.

One day Toby somehow finds out that Y/N's back in town, taking his camera and bringing us back to the first chapter of this book.

Blurry Face (yandere ticci Toby x reader) part: 2Where stories live. Discover now