/33/C҉H҉O҉P҉ O҉F҉F҉ M҉Y҉ H҉E҉A҉D҉ A҉L҉R҉E҉A҉D҉Y҉

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February 5th, 2010

Hey did you know that in Hebrew, Ezra translates to "help" or "helper?"
In this case, you can tell which of the two words fits perfectly with what he's been settled with.

Ezra needed help.

A ginormous amount of help.

Asher obviously didn't come home after February 1st.
Not that his father would care.

All he really was good for is shaping the boy's upmost starvation and need for bashing women.

He had no idea where to start.
Besides, his brother was last seen with you. He was supposed to be with you. This is because of you.

Which is probably why you're stuck, freezing in his backyard while Ezra aimlessly scolds the brain cells out of you.
In retrospect it's probably not the best to be out here but the various borderline rape comments his dad kept on blurting out said otherwise.
Then again you didn't want to be here, instead you would rather stay cooped up in Lyra's bed, wallowing away in an unreasonable amount of guilt and confusion.

Alas, shit is inevitable so here you are in all your glory.

"Dude, I told you, he just ran off! I tried getting him back but Toby wa—"

"Who gives a damn about Toby? My little brother is missing because of you, ______!
He's missing!"
You've never seen him angry before. Yet then again he's never seen you so bland and on edge, a fair trade.

Ezra paced around in front of you, hands knotted deeply into his black hair with his head hanging low.

Your gaze wandered ahead of the raging boy, keeping your focus on the snow coated forest behind him to avoid the rotting feeling of guilt that festers even more inside your lungs.
It was hard to keep the tears at bay. Though you mastered it quite a few times its never gotten to the point where you've felt the need to clench your jaw in order to not choke out in agony.
It never came to this.

The trees looked really nice today.
Gently swaying to the rare rhythm of the wind.
Sometimes you wanted to be a tree instead... it's silly... but you would rather be anything else other than being stuck in this toxic body.

This toxic body filled with static. Why is there so much static?
What are you hearing?

"Are you listening to me?!"
Ezra grips tightly at your forearms, shaking you violently to bring you back.
Nails burrowed deep into your frostbitten flesh, so deep that a weak kid might've gone dizzy from it.
That's definitely gonna leave some sort of marking, an engraved reminder of how much pain you've caused.
Complying to his wishes, you direct your attention back to him; swallowing the lump in your throat and keeping your mouth pressed in a thin line.

C'mon, you can do this.

In a gentle manner, you lift your hands up through the thin gap between the both of you.
Fingers and thumbs press against the edges of Ezra's thick, brown glasses as you slide them back up the crooked bridge of his nose.
"I don't know where Asher is. What I do know is that it hasn't been that long since he disappeared. Chances are that he just got lost and he's perfectly safe. I suggest that you get your hands off of me right now and calm your shit so we can go and find him."
You really hope that he didn't notice the light quiver in your voice.
A bad, stretched out note in a deep guitar.

"Did Asher come back yet?"
Oh joy, more kids.
Delilah Black. Youngest sibling of Ezra's family.
You could recognize that squeaky voice from miles away.

Taking this sudden opportunity by the reigns you rip away from Ezra, spinning on the cold dirt beneath and facing the child.
She's definitely a lot more bigger... taller too.
The biggest difference is the length in hair, once a small bob now turned into an ebony river that flowed down her shoulders. Still a curly mess nonetheless.
Her eyes once wide as an owl narrowed from top to bottom as she tilts her head.

Blurry Face (yandere ticci Toby x reader) part: 2Where stories live. Discover now