Present time part 1

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Toby and Y/N stalk Mr. Santa and Y/N decides to talk about her feelings, maybe even decides to subtly flirt with Toby.
Tim is getting ready to carry out the plan of killing Samantha. He gives her an anonymous call from inside Mr.Santa's home, threatening to hurt Angelica's kid if they stay.

Samantha calls Y/N over and she talks about the call. Y/N suggests that Samantha should maybe take Angelica's kid out of town and go up to her parents.
Samantha in the moment kisses Y/N and after a minute of just letting it happen, Y/N quickly pulls away and reminds her that she's married.
Samantha apologizes and says that Y/N should visit her when they get there.
Y/N agrees and calls Toby, telling him what's happening.
Toby freaks out and tells Tim to knock Y/N out before she has the chance to go.

Tim goes to Y/N's house in hopes to injure her so she doesn't follow Samantha and sees them killing her.
Y/N uses the cameras to try and get out of the house without Tim seeing her.
Once they're actually physically fighting, Y/N pulls off Tim's mask and boom... shock and awkwardness.
Y/N faints but Tim leaves since Mia just came home.

The next day Y/N wakes up in the hospital with Mia by her side, Y/N tries to tell the doctors what happened. Of course nobody believes her, saying things like she just fell down the stairs.
On the ride home Mia expresses her concerns for Y/N, saying that it might've been a bad idea for them to come here.
Y/N argues with her, saying that she knows what happened and she's not crazy.
Once they get home she quickly calls Angelica, telling her to investigate Tim.

Y/N calls Toby, telling her that she needs a distraction from all of this and that he should come with her to visit Samantha.
Toby scolds Tim, saying that they're now in trouble.
Tim replies with saying that he will be using Kate to kill Samantha instead so he can be with Angelica during her investigation.

On the way to Samantha's parents' place they stop at a gas station.
Out of stress Y/N kisses Toby before he can get out of the car, feeling as if he's the only one actually there for her.
Toby happily kisses back but the moment is cut short when they hear a tiny knock on the door.
They open the door and see Aiden (Angelica's kid) staring blankly up at them, telling them that he doesn't know where Samantha is.
Y/N is.. concerned and freaked out, finding it weird that he's just randomly in the middle of nowhere... Toby just hates the kid.
They try calling Samantha, they get no answer.
Y/N decides to take Aiden back to Toby's place so they can call Angelica and decide what to do from there.
Once they actually get to his house Y/N starts throwing up blood, experiencing extreme dizziness as well.
Toby lets her rest in his bed while he tries to make food for Aiden.

About half an hour later Y/N wakes up to the fire alarm going off, she runs downstairs and finds Toby trying to put out a fire on the stove while Aiden has a panic attack.
She sighs, putting out the fire and calming Aiden down.
She puts him to sleep upstairs, going back down and just starts scolding Toby.
Toby on the other hand finds the way that Y/N handles kids quite attractive, picturing her with their own kids if they had any. That and still being stuck on the kiss.
He makes a comment on how she would be an amazing mother and that she should just calm down.
Y/N gives in, taking out some wine and pouring some for the two of them.
She puts on the radio, taking Toby's hand and telling him to dance with her.
In the moment they kiss.. like.. an actual long kiss.
Toby pulls away and asks if they're really just friends.
Y/N  hesitantly states that she's "fine with trying a relationship out" before making up an excuse to leave, saying that she needs to call Angelica.

Aiden is back with Angelica and Samantha is still missing, she decides to hold Tim accountable until they find the culprit (Kate).
Toby comes over to visit Y/N, giving her a bunch of affection, handing her a necklace that he stole and even calling her things like "babe." He insists on putting it on for her, though once he actually tries Toby gets the unbearable urge to choke Y/N with the necklace.
It's then and there Toby realizes that he doesn't just want a relationship, he wants Y/N to be completely his in every single way. He's not satisfied.

They go and visit Y/N's mom, having dinner with her. The maternal relationship's obviously strained, Toby just stays out of the mother daughter issue part.
Y/N's mom says that Connie is now living with her, completely stuck in her own mind due to trauma and is now staying in the guest room.
Toby goes to visit her and sees his mom, completely spaced out and mumbling inaudible things.
When he's sure no ones looking he cries, holding her close and saying that he's sorry.
Though right behind the door Y/N's listening to everything he says.

Blurry Face (yandere ticci Toby x reader) part: 2Where stories live. Discover now