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I do not own any of the characters in this story 

The story plot is all mine though.

Note: This is my first story comment if there are mistakes or ideas!

"Speak" - pokemon speak

"Words" - regular speech

Anything underlined or bolded is to put emphasis on it or a combo of both

This is just a recap of the background to help set the scene.

please enjoy!  - Renaissance


It's been 22 years since I left my Kingdom.

I still ran it of course but my children ran it in our steed.

It's been 12 years since I went on my journey.

Why would I sleep in on the first day? Of course, so no attention would be drawn to me for having Pikachu.

It wasn't my fault they thought I was ten when I started my journey.

It wasn't my fault that they didn't know I was centuries older than them and I understood every word, every sarcastic comment, and hidden innuendo.

It was 10 years ago that they thought my husband was my Enemy, he's just hard to understand. We had roles to play, important people were watching, and waiting in the shadows.

Misty and Gary got off on the wrong foot, how could they not? Misty was hitting me with a mallet and hated bug pokemon with a passion, heck she bullied Caterpie into evolving!

She treated me as a child and tried to hook me up with her friends, God, only Iris could tell I'm gay, I don't know how since I pretty much shouted it from the rooftops.

It's been 8 years since they thought I was dense, that I didn't understand their flirting and their innuendo.

Well, they didn't understand that when I said I wasn't interested and that I had a partner, they thought it was Pikachu and not my husband, father of my children.

When they asked what I wanted to do and when I never fretted over the loss of tournaments and battles they thought I was naive.

They didn't know that I won or lost if I thought that my opponent would learn something.

They didn't know that I purposely lost because my Pokémon's true power could level a building, a mountain, after all when you're a God and your Pokémon have been with you for thousands of years. Well, you learn something.

They never understood war. Whenever we fought I shielded them from the worst and hid the carnage and death from them. They didn't need to know the horrors of true Pokémon trafficking and black-market trading.

They didn't need to know that killing didn't burden my ash-colored soul anymore.

They didn't need to know that I had witnessed war, created wars, and ended wars.

They never questioned how I could change a diaper or feed a baby, or heal a lot of injuries.

Or how I could be so much like my "mother" with mothering. Of course, I was... I have 5 kids myself!

They didn't question why I refused to go to the hospital for any injuries because they would find I wasn't like the others that I had a womb as well or not quite human.

They never questioned why my "mother" and Gary's "grandfather" had us. How could Delia have me when there were no pictures of me younger than the age of "10".

Or how professor Oak has a grandson even though he has no wife and has no children.

Of course, they wouldn't! Delia was my guard and well professor oak is just where Gary stayed before he left. They couldn't know. They were children.

It's been six years... six years since the battle of Kalos.

Since Lysander thought it was such a good idea to piss off a God.

Six years since the city fell.

Since my companions and I went separate ways.

Since Serena kissed me....(which is probably a good thing since Gary was still pissed about that.)

That poor girl, I think she still has a chance, so does a lot of women but boy... they are barking up the wrong tree.

Since I went back home when I stopped playing the dense happy go, lucky child, that the world around me assumed I was.

I just never corrected them.

When my true nature emerged. They didn't know what to do with me. They told me not to do that.

Serious, deadly, intimidating, cold to those who don't know me.

But I had nothing on my partner, cold, ruthless, intimidating. They feared him more because he's larger than me. But don't they know? We are both powerful. We held the same power. After all, we are Gods.

It's been 4 years since the kingdom of Auran released a press release exposing that there were more than just humans and Pokémon roaming the earth.

Vampires, shifters, merpeople, gorgons, demons, angels, fae, pixies, sprites, wizards, witches, mages. Aura users, psychics, etc.

The world was more accepting of them than I ever thought it would be.

It's been 4 years that the Kingdom of Auran came to light.

They still don't know that Gary and I are kings and our children rule the place in our stead when we are gone.

Did you know ash and Gary aren't even our names? It's Ashton and Grayson. I guess Ash is a shortened version of Ashton but I guess they miss-typed Gray? Maybe? I don't know. His middle name is garrison so maybe that's it?

I have many titles:

High king of Auran

Husband of High king Grayson

Father to 5 and some

(Xavier, Theodosia[Theo], Dylan.)

You might also recognize( Bonnie, and Clemont) as well.

High commander and General of the military. (all branches)




Ashy boy

And my favorites:

Darling and dad

It's been years since I've seen anyone, yet in front of me is a letter, and an 8 by 11 piece of paper, covered in symbols that make up my native language.

We cordially invite you to a meeting of the leagues,

in attendance will be as follows.

The champions of the regions

The elite fours

The gym leaders

Your friends

Your rivals

Their close friends and SOs

We request that ash Ketchum and Gary Oaks are to attend.

Evil is coming... we need to stop it....

And the story continues....

The Return of a God:  A pokemon storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang