Chapter 12: I think they worked it out

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"Speak" - pokemon speak

"Words" - regular speech

Anything underlined or bolded is to put emphasis on it or a combo of both

Greninja POV

The champions retreated into the suite where they are staying. They grabbed some heavy liquor and sat down to talk about what was happening.

Hidden in the shadow of the room was the pokemon, Grininja. Ash's son.

"What do you think Kukui was talking about?"

"Did you see Ash when he was talking to Misty? He was like a whole other person."

"No, I think that was the real Ash we were seeing."

"What do you mean Diantha?"

"I've seen him like that before, during the battle of Kalos."


"Yeah, the way he moves, the way he took out the smallest threats and moved his way to the top, killing them all whether it be with his pokemon or with a knife or gun."

" He used the environment in his favor, all fell in his path. He was like a vengeful god striking down his enemies."

"Did you see Lance react to Ash? He was super protective and did you see how Gray was so protective of Ash, also whats with Gray? I thought his name was Gary."

"No clue? Maybe someone heard it wrong and it stuck? But did you see how they interacted? They were so in tune with each other so were Clemont and Bonnie."

"Did you hear what Misty and what was her name... Marybeth? Ash told them multiple times he had a partner and they all assumed he was talking about Pikachu."

"Did you hear Ash talk about a medical condition?"

"We will get back to that, let's talk about what Kukui said, Ash is older than us, our parents and our parent's parents, how he has waged war, fought in them, and won, how he worked like a swat team and an assassin."

"The Alola gang were genuinely confused as to why they talked about Ash that way but it makes sense if he worked in Alola as a strike force."

"But they were pretty harsh on Ash, he's defeated a couple of us before. But never in official battles. And I have a feeling if he actually went all out, we would be dead."

"Did you see how comfortable Ash was with Clemont and Bonnie and Gray getting in his personal space? Also on this topic, who is his partner?"

"Did you see Clemont and Bonnie? They used to have blond hair and now they have raven and brown hair."

"Did you catch what Clement said to Ash?"

"And what Bonnie said to Gray?"

"What? I didn't catch it."

"Do you know how Bonnie and Clemont are brother and sister?"

"Yeah it's pretty obvious"

"But did you hear what they said to Ash and Gray?"

"What? What does this have to do with Ash's partner, why doesn't he use wife."

"Think about it... Ash has never been interested in women, never given them the time of day, and on top of that is, Kukui is right about how old Ash is he's been mated or married to his partner longer than he's been in the region."

"Which brings me back to what I was saying."

And the Story Continues......


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