Chapter 15: The burden shall be ours

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"Speak" - pokemon speak

"Words" - regular speech

Anything underlined or bolded is to put emphasis on it or a combo of both

The champions slowly sat down. Weary, they made sure to watch all angles because even if they were friends, they were way stronger and could take them out.

"Hello Ash, Grayson. How are you?" Lance spoke.

"We are well thank you for asking." Grayson replied

" We assume congratulations are in order."


"We put the pieces together and came to the conclusion that you're pregnant."

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Can't drink caffeine and alcohol, married."

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing. But I fear this conversation came a bit too early."

A flash went off then their memories were no more.

Ash and gray looked on solemnly.

They could not know. It was too early for such talks,

They have proven themselves time and time again. It's too early to carry such a burden of these secrets when even though we are gods, time has forgotten us, and our powers fade as we fade from the minds of the people, human or pokemon.

We carry this burden for it is all we know, and all we will continue to know, and we shall guard the stars until the last one fades and time ends and we will stand with the primordials and watch the universe burn and be reborn and we shall be cleansed as we have before and be burdened. Our souls shall be cleansed and we shall fade and allow us to be reborn anew young and bright to protect the newborn universe and the cycle continues.

And the Story Continues......


The Return of a God:  A pokemon storyWhere stories live. Discover now