Chapter 10: Uh Oh

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"Speak" - pokemon speak

"Words" - regular speech

Anything underlined or bolded is to put emphasis on it or a combo of both


Everyone went in before me, it was my time to shine.

My guards parted and I stepped in, Gray behind me. Teleporting in for the meeting.

" Hey everyone!" I stated

The looks I was getting suggested it was going to be a lot harder to stay under the radar than I thought I was.

Third Person POV

Ash and Gray walked in, like modals off the runway, similar but different.

Ash had black dress pants on and black dress shoes, a white button-up that was rolled up to his elbows showing off his ink that covered his upper body, the top pulled open enough to give hints of ink through the neck. his hair pulled back and up to keep it out of his eyes.

His eyes which were a dark brown now are blood red.

Still slenderer than his partner, Ash was the smaller of the two.

Gray had a gray suit on, the tattoos hinted through his sleeves. hair in an updo, and his eyes a black red depending on the light.

Both were gorgeous and if you looked closely you would see the matching mating marks on their fingers.

" Hey everyone." Ash stated

Gray just nodded in greeting.

The silence continued and more than a couple of ladies had drool on their chins.

" Ash?" Serena stated in awe before running up to throw her arms around him, it happened so fast. She was stopped by a guard, Gray, and Clemont and the Desert Roses closed ranks in front of Ash who took a step back

"That's my boyfriend you're keeping me from." She stated. The look Ash and Gray and CO were giving her should have clued her in.

Several voices came out of the crowd

" Yeah, she's been waiting to see him for years. He's been so busy and this is the first time in a long time he's been in the region"

" You shouldn't keep lovers away from each other."

At this point, everyone working for Ash and Gray was either confused, pissed, or downright disgusted.

" Is that what she told you?" Ash asked.

Misty stated. "You guys kissed as well."

"Six years ago, when I was at the airport going home... which was not prompted nor returned. I mean no offense she's a little young for me. Not that I have anything against it personally. "

" Stop kidding Ash, it's not funny." A voice spoke from the back.

"What in the ever-living gods is everyone on about?" Ash seemed genuinely confused

"Ash," Misty spoke slowly.

"Girls like Serena, Marybeth, and such as you... Not as friends, not as a companion but romantically, they want to date you."

" Who the fuck is Marybeth?" Ash questioned even more confused

Ash ladies and gentlemen not getting the point even though he understood. But the mans got a point.

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