Chapter 2: Release the Hounds

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"Speak" - pokemon speak

"Words" - regular speech

Anything underlined or bolded is to put emphasis on it or a combo of both

Ash POV:

I was jolted awake by the wheels of the plane hitting the tarmac.

As we began to decelerate to the private offload bay at the airport, everyone started stretching and packing up and cleaning up their mess.

Our pilot came over the loudspeakers...

our pilot was also my oldest son so you can probably tell how that went

"We have landed, you can now take off your seat belts, please do not stand up as we are taxiing to the offload area, this will take about ten minutes, thank you for flying with Royal airlines and this is the captain signing off......."

The speakers switch off.

I look out the window to see the Kalos national airport, rebuilt after the battle of Kalos and the destruction that squishy unknowingly wrought.

God, I missed the regions. All 8 of them.

While not home it's where I lived for 22 years

It's good to be back

The plane slowed to a stop, already knowing the drill the kids and I stayed in our seats while staff and our security team started gathering equipment and luggage and setting up a security perimeter.

As I descended the plane stairs onto solid ground, I was greeted by my security spread out in a fan pattern while my children and staff lined the bottom of the stairs waiting for my descent.

They bowed. As is due but it might draw attention to us.

It's not every day you see a motorcade that hailed diplomatic flags and plates.

This was it as soon as I stepped into region soil, I would be considered in the care of the region. and be listed in absentia until I made it back into Auranian soil.

I stepped off...

Clemont spoke into his wrist mike relaying back to the palace

"The Raven has landed."

I slowly made my way to the limo where I would be arriving and waited for my security to load up before I entered the vehicle and left.

I paused in front of the door.

Pikachu sensing my hesitation paused and dropped to my feet watching the land for a threat.

I looked at him and assured him it wasn't a threat.

I summoned a poke ball, unlike the poke balls of the region that are white, red, and black, Auranian Pokeballs are pure black with gold trimmings, royal pokeballs owned by the royal family have a silver crown stamped on the button as a way to identify them.

I pressed a button and a black flash of light illuminated the area and out came a shadow.

A biped amphibian that had a tongue, as a scarf, tan and blue coloring, and bulbous joints.

Opening his blood-red eyes he spoke

"My lord?"

Not surprising considering that I could speak to Pokémon, a gift that is very rare indeed, only the royal family and a lucky few could understand and comprehend poke-speech

I looked at my assassin and spy Greninja, Prince of Pokemon successor and Brother to Arceus and son of Ash

"Stay in the shadows, darkness is afoot and I fear an attack."

Greninja just nodded and disappeared.

Pikachu hopped onto my shoulder playing sentry

Clemont approached. Concerned.

"I saw you released the Black Raven"

(Referring to Greninjas code name)

"Is it that bad, father?"

I gaze at my son.. he looks so different from what he did when we went on a journey, so did Bonnie, Clemont has my raven hair and Bonnie Has Gray's hair a rich brown.

A total one-eighty to the blond they had to disguise as to travel. God imagine my surprise when I bumped into them jeez gave me a heart attack.

God, they looked older too which was impossible as they are several centuries old.

But glamour and perception are everything.

" I fear it is."

Clemont got a quite serious look on his face and stalked way barking orders.

I had changed into my civilian clothes for this trip but not the ones I was forced to wear on my original duty. I look a lot different than the last time they saw me in that airport so long ago

I had on black military-grade steel toes on, a pair of tight but not too tight pair of black jeans on.

As well as a black skin-tight tee shirt as well as a black leather jacket, fingerless black gloves with black embedded jewels.

A pendant around my neck that shows Subtlety that I'm royalty.

Covered in tattoos that I had to glamour while I was here 22 years ago.

Tribal black ink ran up and down my upper body and arms.

Twisting and winding in patterns to my fingertips.

My mating tattoo was on my second finger showing my love and commitment to my Mate.

I had a decent swimmers build, all compact muscle corded on bone.

My hair was styled artfully messy, in such a way if I had to fight it wouldn't get into my way, the lightning marks that had rested upon my cheeks with the glamour on had disappeared when I removed the glamour, a skin pale just above white.

Full lips and high cheekbones, I was a girl's wet dream.

I had deep-set eyes, eyelashes a mile long

My eyes changed the most from a dark brown to a blood-red color that seems to glow from within, hard and cold unless you look deeply.

Gray was staying behind because the children were traveling with me, he was only a teleport away anyway.

I had a feeling we would need him

I climbed into the vehicle, my assistant and the rest of my children followed behind climbing in after me.

I turned to Clemont

"Where are we staying?"

" The 8 regions hotel."

The Story Continues...


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