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"Oh, honestly, don't you two read?"

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"Oh, honestly, don't you two read?"

The last days of the Holidays had gone by rather quickly and before they knew it the day before term started had arrived. Packing their things the girls grudgingly put their trunks into the car before driving off to Kings Cross station. The girls said their goodbyes to their parents promising to write before going through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10.

"Crazy how we're already going back isn't it?" said Liliana, boarding the steam engine.

"Well that is how it works," replied Hermione jokingly.

"You know what I mean 'Mione," said Liliana, rolling her eyes.

The two continued their banter for a while before deciding it was time to change into their school robes. The girls changed rather quickly and went back to talking for what seemed like ages before the steam engine finally came to a halt.

The castle still looked as welcoming as ever and since the girls came back the day before term started there were still decorations within the Great Hall as they walked through. They made their way towards the common rooms. As soon as they entered they saw a fiery redhead sitting on the couch alongside a raven haired boy.

"Ron, Harry!" exclaimed Liliana rushing over to the boys.

Both slowly turned their heads around only to see two girls, one running towards them and the other following closely behind, a smile etched across her face.

"Lils!" shouted Ron, pushing up off the sofa making his way towards the girl.

"How were your holidays?"

"Gre- well actually not really," said Ron. Liliana shot him an inquisitive look before Ron motioned for Hermione to come forward seeing as she had been resting on the couch alongside Harry and he dove into a quick explanation of what happened during their break.

"The mirror of what?" questioned Liliana utterly confused about what the boy was saying.

"The mirror of Erised; it shows what you want most, Harry explained it to me after Dumbledore and him talked a bit. You see, he kept going back to that mirror, I think it started driving him a bit mad-" at this Harry shot Ron a glare, "-er anyways, we went one night after Christmas because Harry got this invisibility cloak as a gift and yeah," finished Ron a bit excitedly.

Liliana was in awe.

"Wicked! A mirror that shows what you want most, you reckon I-"

"Wicked? It most certainly is not 'wicked'," said Hermione slightly irked, "Harry and Ron could have been caught by Filch!"

"But we didn't," piped up Ron rather defensively.

"While that may be true you could have."

"But we didn't."

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