12 ; the magic schools

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"I find Harry handsome, but I don't like him

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"I find Harry handsome, but I don't like him."

Early next morning, Harry woke with a plan fully formed in his mind, as though his sleeping brain had been working on it all night. He got up, dressed in the pale dawn light, left the dormitory without waking Ron, and silently hoped Atlas wouldn't wake to talk him out of this, and went back down to the deserted common room. Here he took a piece of parchment from the table upon which his Divination homework still lay, and wrote the following letter:

Dear Sirius,

I reckon I just imagined my scar hurting, I was half asleep when I wrote to you last time. So there's no need to have Atlas watch over me, nor you since there's no point in coming back; Atlas can attest to the fact that everything is fine here. Don't worry about me, my head feels completely normal.


He then climbed out of the portrait hole, up through the silent castle (held up only briefly by Peeves, who tried to overturn a large vase on himself halfway along the fourth-floor corridor), finally arriving at the Owlery, which was situated at the top of the West Tower.

The Owlery was a circular stone room, rather cold and drafty, because none of the windows had glass in them. The floor was entirely covered in straw, owl droppings, and the regurgitated skeletons of mice and voles. Hundred upon hundred of owls of every breed imaginable were nestled here on perches that rose right up to the top of the tower, nearly all of them asleep, though here and there a round amber eye glared at Harry. And although he figured it was early, and he would be alone, he spotted Liliana feeding her tawny owl, Loki, who was nestled between Hedwig; the snowy owl sleeping.

"Lily, what are you doing here?" Harry asked as he walked over to her, sliding a little on the dropping-strewn floor.

"Good morning to you too," Liliana replied, looking over at the sleepy faced boy. "Watch your step," she added with a slight upturn of her lips as Harry suddenly grabbed hold of an owl perch to stop himself from falling.

He stabilized himself and brushed the hair out of his eyes as he tried his best to look as though he hadn't nearly fallen on his arse in front of her. "So, what are you doing up early?"

"Other than watching you nearly fall on owl dung, nothing really," she answered shrugging, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Harry rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that started to form on his own face. Somehow, no matter how irritating her witty remarks could be, he always appreciated them.

"Deep in thought?" Liliana asked as she began tying her own letter to Loki's leg.

"Er 一 I guess so," answered Harry, unaware that he'd zoned out.

The pair remained in silence as he tried to awaken a disgruntled, furious Hedwig (it was painful to watch in Liliana's opinion) and tried to persuade her to deliver his letter; she was clearly upset from his lack of gratitude the previous night.

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