010; vanilla

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Well, ever since the incident last night, Sumi is glad that Collins somewhat haven't mentioned it since then. Since Maurice did help Sumi to not to get in trouble (although its just 2%), Sumi made sure that she is rewarded handsomely. Guess you could consider Maurice an ally now. It's great to have an ally in this lonely world. Plus, because of Maurice, he also got a recharge from yesterday.

Maurice could even be Sumi's partner in crime? She can take all the blame that Sumi did wrong! Isn't that great? Having a scapegoat. Don't worry, after every mission Maurice will do for Sumi (unknowingly), he'll reward her with a bonus or even get her promoted! Good deal right? Well, its not much of a good deal if she's fired, but-

Anyways, after Sumi had learnt a new skill called 'seduction'. He's constantly been spoiled by Collins. Well, since Collins learnt that if he did something to please his master, his master would always give some little form of gesture, like rubbing his cheeks against Collins, or kisses on the cheek. Of course these small gestures had only started happened after the incident last night.

Of course, even before yesterday, Sumi had always made those small gestures. But before, it just.. kinda like naturally happened. Probably because he was jot in his right mind. But now, when he's doing those gestures, he really knows that he's doing it, and it happens unnaturally.

Now that the young prodigy had mastered the skill of seduction, he's sure that even the duke would be entranced by him.

A small sinister grin appeared on the white-haired boy's face as he came up with some kind of stupid plan to get out of the house. If this was a few months ago, Sumi would have never stooped so low to seduce other people. But all the drama that has happened and how he is banned from the kitchen and going outside, made him a little bit insane that he was desperate to get some fresh air.

Seriously, all he wanted was a normal life.

Hugging Collins neck, the sinister grin that was on the boy's lips disappeared into an innocent cat-like smile as he dug his head deeper into Collin's chest. Somehow, living here become very normal, although it is still a pain. Is it because he's finally adjusting to this place after many weeks? Collins hummed in pleasure as his young master was still in his arms.

Sumi had just finished taking a bath and Collins was taking him to his dad's study. Apparently, Sumi is still under punishment as piles of paper came piling up his personal desk (His father graciously ordered for Sumi because Sumi didn't want to sit on his lap anymore, though it took a while to actually convince him to get a separate desk). But Sumi will probably be in better shape, because he already had his sugar intake from yesterday.

Anyways, since he's on his way to his father's office, Sumi actually wanted to try out his new skill, 'seduction'. He literally just learned it last night and he's already taken his charms to full advantage. He still couldn't believe that he stooped so low to using such measly tricks, but he's getting desperate for some privacy and fresh air.

Collins let his master down and the small boy pitter-pattered towards to study door. Looking back at Collins, who was bowing with a gracious smile, Sumi nodded at him. "Well then, This servant shall take his leave. Good luck, Young Master." Sumi sweatdropped. It sounds like he's going to do something heroic or something when he's just doing paperwork. Well, guess it is pretty troublesome to deal with his dad.

But it doesn't matter, as Sumi is gonna get something out of currying up a favor with his father today. More specifically, just a tint bit of leeway.

Sumi opened the door to father's study and on the fancy chair there, sat his father. It looks like Byton was too immersed in his work to notice Sumi's presence. And now that Sumi really sees his father's face, his father sure looks handsome. Byton would be that type of cool, cold guy but has a soft side to the ones he cared about.

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