001; crisis indeed

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Once the baffled Maurice left the room, it all finally started to sink in. 'Who the fuck is Louis? How can I even understand the language they're speaking? And so fluently too.. I'm not Louis. I'm Suna Katsumi. I don't want to be someone else..'

Warm liquid ran down his cheeks, though he did not realize it. His eyes are burning but he didn't care. Thank god, the maid was gone. Because if she was still there standing there a little bit longer, then he would actually break down infront of her.

The tears did not stop though, infact, more tears came out to be exact. He didn't even say goodbye to mom and dad.. The only people that he had considered as decent in that world. Okay, maybe there were lots of good things there and he was being a bit pessimistic.

'I don't wanna play pretend and be this stupid rich guy.. I just wanna go back.. take me back..'

Although he must admit, it is kind of stupid. What's done is done. He cant change back time, nor could he do anything about it. He is left to blame everything on that stupid deity.

He just hoped that his family would understand.

The door opened again, and this time it wasn't 'Maurice', it was someone else. An adult figure rushed in, suprising Sumi and breaking him out of his daydream. He didn't even have time to wipe of his tears as they kept on coming out. The figure looked worried and concerned. But Sumi is still confused on who he was.

What now? Cant he mourn in peace?

Behind him was Maurice who looked at him with sorry eyes. The male looked really young and Sumi had his doubts that he was actually Louis' father. He looked really young to be a father, but it could just be his genes. The male wore a fancy white suit, that matched his snow-white hair, he looked pish-posh.

Its like he was going to some kind of MMA awards or something. Is he a singer? No, he's suppose to be the duke. The clothing is expensive so he's most likely Sumi's parent. Did he do something wrong? Why is he barging into his room like this? Hey, ever heard of knocking? You are not asian for gods sake!

"Louis! What happened? Why did the maid say that you are going through some crisis? Did someone threaten you? Tell daddy!"

Um.. how is he suppose to act? Is he suppose say something Young Master like? For now, he decided that he'll just stay silent to he how his 'daddy' will react. How should he even address his dad? Dad? Daddy? Father? Old man? Paps? Pappy? Ugh..

It was too confusing to think of ways to address his new 'father', so he just said what any other depressed person will say.

"I'm fine."

Only silence was heard. Both his dad and the female trailing behind went quite. What do you expect him to say, huh? 'Oh, daddy! I'm fine.. I'm just having a really bad day that i'm crying so hard to relief my stress!' Yeah, no. He cant say that. His dad (He is his dad for now, til he find a way back home/if he could find a way back) didn't seem assured and still looked worried.

It was weird because Louis is a naturally spoiled child. Born with a silver-spoon, he practically had everything he wanted. Therefore, he became a greedy brat. It was partly the dads' fault for spoiling him too much. But Louis is just so cute! How can he not spoil his own son?

Growing up, Louis had adapted a really nasty attitude, which naturally made lots of people hate him. But Sumi is Louis now.. so basically almost all the workers in this manner hates him.. but Sumi doesn't know that yet!

So instead of usually venting out his anger to his dad, it was really weird to hear the words 'I'm fine'. Usually, when Louis is having a bad day, it would take lots of pampering and compliments before he would actually be 'fine'. So his dad couldn't help but think, 'something is really wrong here.. whoever dares mess with my son will die!' But Sumi didn't know that, for he isn't granted the power to read other peoples mind.

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