014; a new beginning

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Trivia: whenever the prince has free-time, he spends it catching bugs then killing them. However, this activity stopped when he turned 9.

T.W: mentions of suicide

A few years had passed and Sumi was already in the second year of middle school. Which means.. the plot is starting. The heroine will come and the original Louis would make a bad impression infront of the heroine. That could be easily avoided.

The only thing not cliche about the game is that instead of the usual 'oh prince, I'm innocent', it's kind of more like, 'Hah? I'll kill you!', type of personality. Yes, I'm terribly sorry for not informing you from the beginning, but it's much more amusing this way, right? So much for the cliche plot.

Sometimes, Sumi would dream of 2 middle-aged couple standing in a room that seems awfully nostalgic. But he couldn't remember who it is. He remembered thinking, 'Ah, These people kept me sane all year.' but Sumi never even interacted with them in anyway. But he always forgets just who they are. They're so important to him but..

All he knows is that he could predict the future and that he is a transmigrator. He faintly remembered meeting a god, but that memory was now scattered. Just who is he truly? What is his last name? He only remembers that his name is Sumi. Sumi.. Ka-Ka.. Kamumi.. was it?

Sumi no longer remembers his last name.

Writing everything he used to remember doesn't work. As the ink would disappear right after he wrote his parents' name. But for some reason, when he wrote the events that happened it the future, it was still there. That doesn't exactly make alot of sense, but it's kinda like anime logic, right?

Anyways, his stupid brother is now in high school, and has been crowned as the 'ice prince' there. While William is called, 'red prince.' To be honest, in Sumi's opinion, though cliche, ice prince sounded much better than red prince, but who is he to judge?

He only worries about what's gonna happen in the future. Is he seriously gonna get killed by a havoc monkey? Hell no. He'll gain allies, he'll make sure that at least that's enough to secure his survival. He'll stay invisible and stay the fuck away from any drama and capture targets.

Allen and Phil are a few of his allies.. It's going to be okay.

Ugh. Why does he have to go through such lengths to just LIVE?

In this life, he attempted to commit suicide. He tried to hang himself using a long cloth and the chandelier in his room. But before he tied the cloth to his neck, he stopped, because he was too scared. He didn't want to die, he just wanted to disappear. He never wanted this. His mental state is getting weaker everyday. Yet, even though he wants to die, he does to much to live the next die. Hoping that one day, he will be free from all that burdened him. It might not make sense. He wants to die, but at the same time he doesn't.

He keeps telling himself, 'Oh, I'm a fucking genius. There's no way some mere monkeys could make me fall.' Just how long can he keep saying that to his self without breaking down?

But the truth is, in this world, he has no power. Even if he has his brain, he is not god.

Not to mention, even if he manages to survive from the wrath of the heroine, how will he face the villainess. Infact, he doesn't even remember who the said girl was. Just exactly who is the villainess? Well, Sumi doesn't think that the villainess will attend school, just a feeling though.

Sumi doesn't like to judge people. He knows everyone has a reason for every action they make. But why does the villain hate this world so much?

Even while Sumi was playing the game, he could almost feel the energy radiating from the screen. It was scary. Well, Sumi wont be involved with whatever the villainess would do. All he has to do is just stay the hell away from everything and be average.

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