002; the butler

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Sumi is very comfortable in bed right now. Thankfully, no one brought up the stuff that happened at yesterdays dinner. Right now, Sumi is cooped up in the blanket, looking at the butler who is infront of him with small droopy eyes.

The butler held a pleasant and formal expression, and he was quite shocked to see that his master had changed just in a few days when he was recuperating. But he didn't say anything anyways.

Sumi was still in his pajamas, and it was probably still early in the morning. Anyways, the butler has probably been bowing for like five minutes already. When is he gonna leave the room? Sumi still wants to sleep more.

Sumi glared at the butler prompting him to leave, but the butler still held that professional facade. He was still quite sleepy.. so that glare probably looked like him squinting his eyes.

"Forgive this servants insolence, but Young Master, i have returned from recuperations and will be at your service once again."

Yeah.. i can see that. The bandages were still visible on Collins' face but Sumi didn't say anything. Instead, he just turned the other side, feeling slightly guilty of the bandages. But it was not really his fault so he doesn't have to do anything. He's not gonna say sorry for something he didn't do. It was the old owner of this body's fault.

"Young Master?"

Sumi closed his eyes, and he could hear a sigh and footsteps coming. Collin couldn't help but think of why his charge had changed. Maybe he should ask the other servants.. Its not good for his master to be unhappy. His master has to be kept happy at all times. Otherwise, his mood will affect The Lord of the house and everything will be turned into chaos.

"Young master, I have been informed of your tantrums during my recuperations. If you have any bottled up feelings, please let it all out. This servant will be happy to be your shoulder to cry on." Collin blushed. He adores his young master afterall. But he still knows his place as a servant.

In other words, if you wanna put it, Collins Wright is a sly bastard who would do anything to please his master.

But the thing is.. Sumi just wants to be left alone. He's still in grieving about his death and his family, so he's still a little bit numb. But this butler or whatever is not leaving him to rest at all! They are making a big deal out of everything..

Sumi opened his right eye, only to be met by the face of the butler. The butler had an impatient but gentle look. Now that Sumi had observed Collins closely, he's actually pretty handsome. Collin had bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He could be a capture target, but he's not. His tall figure is almost the same height as his father.

Overall, Collins Wright is an elegant and poised butler for a high-class family. He sure does reaches the standard of Cliffard family.

Sumi closed his eyes in consideration and went back into his headspace, slowly falling asleep. He forgot that he was supposed to dismiss his butler..

And so, the butler accompanied Sumi to his sleep.

A few hours had passed, and Sumi finally woke up. To his suprise, Collins was still there, standing straight and proper. When the now-child turned around to look at his surroundings, he was suprised when he saw the butler waiting there, obviously not happy. But don't blame Sumi, he doesnt even know why the older man would just leave. He didn't even know that the man waited for him.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

Collins right eye twitched, anger was visible on his face but he held back his tongue. After all, this is his young master and his model figure. "Young Master forgot to dismiss me." After he said that, Sumi could only let out an, "oh," feeling a little bit bad that the man had to wait for a few hours for Sumi to wake up. He could've just left though..

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