003; The Past Of Collins Wright

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When Collins Wright was just 12-years-old, he was sold to human trafficking, but was transferred to the slavery department by his parents. His parents didn't have a lot of money, and they had to pinch pennies to get some food and pay taxes.

He spent a year doing slavery work, only getting one meal a day; which consisted of a stale bread and a cup of water. How did he managed to survive? He also doesn't know. It was like his world was dark, and there's no more ray of hope for him to escape now.

When he was 13, the higher-ups got more slaves and he was sent to an auction, where people would buy slaves and make them do their bidding. Whether it be labor work, or sexual desires, or just for simple torture.

Collin wasn't even given his portion of food that day when he was abruptly shoved into a metal cage like an animal. Given that, Collin was already used to the harsh treatment, its still suprising. Do they want to kill him now? Many questions ran through his head that day.

He figured out that he's going to be sold to some rich guy, which will probably be abusive and cruel just like the higher-ups. But Collins accepted it, it was because he had no choice either way. Once bought, you can never be returned, so he'll probably die.

The metal cage had wheels and he was brought onto a stage. He still remembered being stared at by so many people, lights were all focusing on him. He was half-naked, which was supposed to be a little bit embarrassing, but Collins didn't have anymore dignity and pride left in him.

He could hear many people saying a bunch of numbers to get him. All that money could've made him live a happy life.. curse those rich people, who doesn't care about their money because they had a lot. While the poor's are forced to suffer and bow down to them, the rich had their heads up high and drank champagne.






Collins eyes widened at the amount. $100.000 spent on this measly slave?! He even remembered hearing gasps and voices of people whispering about the ridiculous amount.

"Slave 1500, bought by Louis Cliffard!"

"Isn't that the youngest master of the cliffard house?"

"What's a kid doing here?"

"Who knows.. you can basically do anything when your rich."

Collins looked at the audience to find his new master. His green hue eyes desperately searching for this man. That's when his eyes caught an angel? no, a kid that looks heavenly. He had his right arm raised, his brows furrowed, he had an impatient look on his face overall. His white hair resembles innocence but his personality is anything but that. He's a kid!

He was sitting in a red velvet chair and he had his legs crossed. His pink plump lips made him irresistible even though he's just a kid. He's going to be a beauty when he grows up. Not only that, but he also looks fragile and weak too. Is that kid is new master? He's just a kid right? Maybe Collins could live a good life..

Collins was brought to his new young master. He submissively looked down, waiting for his new master to say something. He must be someone important is he's willing to spend a hundred grand on some measly slave.

"I'm Louis Cliffard. Your new young master and from today onwards, you wont be a slave anymore. But you'll be my personal butler and do my biddings."

Collins got on one knee and looked at the young master with determination in his eyes. This Cliffard guy has to be his best option. So far, he doesn't seem that bad, after all he's just a kid. No, infact, Collins is thankful that Louis got him out.

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