005; brothers conflict

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Wiping the tears of off Sumi's face, Sumi looked in the mirror again to check if he looks fine. When he made sure that it looks like he's not crying, he sighed. Apparently, he's still not over his own death and sometimes cry about it. He has to do it when he's really alone though and that's because he's not a silent crier. He rarely ever cries in his old world, so he never really learnt how to 'cry' silently.

Where's Collins? He's doing errands for Sumi right now. But Collins is sure taking his sweet time, because Sumi is already hungry.

The man-turned child opened the door to leave his room, only to be stared at by an identical silver-steel eyes. Eyes wide, Sumi flinched out of shock. George Cliffard. Sumi cussed under his breath, staring back at his older brother. Right now, he's very vulnerable, and he barely has the energy to walk to the kitchen.


"George." Sumi nodded.

"A-are you okay?"

"No." Its already obvious that his little brother doesn't look alright, so why bother hiding it?

George didn't say anything after that answer. He didn't really know what to do since he's not that close to his younger brother. Ever since that dinner, Louis has been awfully weird, almost like he's been possessed. Many had already accepted the fact that Young Master Louis has changed, even George.

Right then and there, Sumi contemplated on whether he should just keep on staying there or just shut the door and lock himself in the room.

To be honest, this is a really awkward situation and Sumi feels really embarrassed right now, and he's on a really low energy today. He's never really had a predicament like this in his old world. His family would never make him cry-


God, why is it all starting all over again?

Tears began flowing out of his eyes again, as Sumi has no control over his emotions. His brows furrowed as he tried to stop crying, but it only came out as a sniffle. Why is his emotions like a roller coaster ever since he came here?

My family is not even here right now.. and I never said goodbye.. fucking hell.

His legs were jiggly and soon his legs can no longer support Sumi's weight and he fell on his knees. If his crazy new dad finds out he's crying, he'll be in for another earful, so please stop crying, Sumi.

George was just in front of Sumi. And he witnessed his brother's vulnerable state. A dark glint of light flashes pass his eyes before finally snapping out and paying attention to his little brother. Can he finally be a big brother Louis can rely on now?

He feels bad taking advantage of Louis' vulnerable state but if it can get them to communicate..

George knelt down and slowly caressed his brothers' hair, hopefully trying to soothe him. His face only brightened when Louis didn't try to push him away. Louis doesn't like to be touched by someone he's never talked to before. George remembered the last time he tried to touch his little brother.

"Don't touch me, you vermin!"

George carefully brought Louis closer to him, slowly engulfing him in a hug. Again, Louis didn't do anything which made him a little happy. The older male started to run his hands through his brother's hair again, humming. Sumi had stopped sobbing at this point.

His little brother was that close to the George, that George could basically smell his hair. The older male blushed, still holding his small brother. Is this how his dad and Collins feel when they hold Louis?

Cant I Just Be A Background Character?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara