016; Arumnia

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Trivia: Collin likes teacups.

Another trivia: Byton secretly prefers coffee over tea, but since the original Louis hated the smell of coffee, he stopped drinking it.

Arumnia is known to be one of the largest empire in the world. It's a kingdom filled with magic, and artifacts and a place full of authority and peace. The kingdom is large, thus there are 6 dukedoms.

5 Dukes and 1 Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke has 1 Princess and 2 Princes.

Byton is naturally one of the 5 powerful dukes. He has the power to rebel in the kingdom and make huge losses if he were to be dissatisfied. That is the authority he has. He is not someone to be messed with. Since the loss of his previous duchess, nobles has been pestering him to remarry, however, he intimidated them, and thus it was never talked about again.

If something were to happen to the crown prince, then the Grand Duke shall be the next successor.

But since Byton supports the crown prince, he does not have any other intention to be involved with the other 2 or the Grand Duke himself.

So why?

Why did Byton suddenly get a letter from The Grand Duke? Since technically, The Grand Duke holds more authority than Byton, Byton will have to watch his manners. Still, Byton is not the type of person The grand duke dares to mess with.

What's all this? An alliance between the two, probably? Though they're not on bad terms (It's more of nuetral), they are not cozy with each other either. Although, it's Byton that doesn't really want to be cozy with each other.

A warning?

"GIVE ME YOUR SONS!" Oh, my.. It seems that the older male had gone senile due to his old age.

Byton stood there with a nuetral expression. Which son? The first one? Take him- He's the heir so he has lots of responsibilities, so no. The second one? He'll frost your finger. Besides why is it so random? What the hell? If Byton recalls, the grand duke's children are quite spoiled, probably because they hold a royalty title.

"My children are useless, Byton. I've heard that both your sons exceed in academic. I brought the adoption papers right here." The childlike old man waved the papers infront of him, he had imaginary tears rolling down his face while talking about how his children are 'failures'.

Byton cleared his throat, not wanting to further continue this topic any longer. "Surely you jest. What have you really come here for, your grace?" Byton said, in a very polite tone.

Ambrois, the old man, finally regained his composure. He sat up straight as he fixed his tie, making a proper eye contact with Byton. That's right, he came here with top secret news.

"Ehem. Right. The reason why I'm here. A few days ago, the grand mage received a prophesy from the author."

Byton perked up his ears. Prophesy?

"How many person? What level? Or is it a natural disaster?" Byton furrowed his brows while asking this. A prophesy out of nowhere? How could this be?

Level: determines how dangerous a person or beast could be. They are catagorised into different groups. It's pretty simple honestly. It just goes from;


With catastrophe being the highest level. But even so, there is different ways on differentiating a catastrophe. For example, catastrophe level wolf, catastrophe level monster, catastrophe level dragon. Dragon being the biggest threat.

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