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"oh octavia," her mother wept at the airport, "if you want to come back, please ring me. i'll book your ticket in a heart beat." she hugged her daughter, who had followed her father's genes and was quite tall, standing at 5'8.

"i'll be fine mom," she was also quite upset but didn't want to worry her mother any further than she was, "this is gonna be good for me. i'll be able to explore my other side, yknow, learn tribe secrets and stuff. it'll be fun." she tried to relax her.

octavia's step father sighed and gently pulled her mother off the tall girl, "she'll be alright jolyne. we gotta trust her." he, too, was afraid but could not stop the girl from exploring her heritage.

"nathan." octavia hugged her younger brother, he was thirteen with brown hair, hung in a low pony. he squeezed his sister back and mumbled sad words and she kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair before hugging joe, her step father. they were never really close but they did grow fond of each other so it was bittersweet.

octavia waved at her family before turning, with her carry on suitcase and walking with her head held high to the security line. she held her tears until her family were out of sight and slowly they dropped down her rosy cheeks.

"ma'am, are you okay?" a family bustled over to octavia, concerned for her. she nodded and whispered a sorry and they handed her tissues, quickly joining the line to security.

octavia looked back at the entrance to the airport before walking through.

her time in houston, texas had sadly come to an end. but maybe her time in forks, washington would surpise her.


her five hour flight was exhausting. octavia was seated next to a bratty 3 year old and what she assumed to be her mother. the 3 year old threw any tantrums and she was losing it. octavia plugged in her headphones and blasted music, attempting to drown out the demon child by listening to some good old michael jackson.

when the flight ended, octavia practically ran off the plane with her onboard luggage. most of her stuff had already been shipped to the reservation so all she had was a onboard purse and suitcase.

this was going to be the first time in years that octavia was going to see her elder brother face to face. the last time she could visit was when she was 13, and she's 17 now so she had definitely changed.

so she wanted to look good. she rushed into a toilet in the airport, fixing her long, thick black hair. she and sam had that in common, both taking after their father. she put it in a high pony, deciding to show off her incredible shoulder line.

octavia changed into some black jeans and a white off the shoulder top, throwing on a grey zip up hoodie and her favourite air forces. she looked at herself in the mirror and decided she looked presentable, spraying on some nice perfume before rushing out of the bathroom.

she shook off her nerves and walked over to the pick up point, looking around. she spotted her tall brother, in his jean shorts, grey shirt and sneaker. she rolled her eyes, clearly octavia got the fashion gene.

"hey sam," she smiled widely at him when she got closer and he jumped up, calling her name loudly in his booming voice before hugging her tight.

"how have you been octavia?" he gave her a big grin and grabbed her onboard suitcase, "how's your mom and brother?" he asked politely. octavia replied that they were great and the two got into a quick catch up conversation before two other people came with mcdonald bags.

the girl that arrived had three long painful looking scars on the right side of her face. out of politeness, octavia smiled widely at her, looking directly in the eyes.

"hey, i'm emily. sam's fiancé." she gave the taller girl a warm smile.

octavia gasped lightly, smacking sam's shoulder jokingly, "how could you get engaged and not tell me? you're so beautiful, ah i can't believe we're gonna be sisters in law!" she squealed and hugged emily.

emily smiled widely, "why is she so much kinder than you?" she was looked up at sam who laughed and kissed her passionately.

"i'm seth!" a young boy, not much older than fourteen smiled at octavia and held his hand out. the texas born girl smiled, already feeling close to him as he reminded her so much of her own brother nathan.

octavia shook his hand, "octavia." she replied, "you are harry's son?" she asked.

"yeah," seth nodded, "and leah's brother. she's around your age, you remember her right?" octavia smiled, nodding and makes a comment on how she hopes they can be friends.

on the walk to the car, octavia immediately takes the bag of food from seth, "i'll carry these." seth shrugs, mentioning it belongs to the four of them on the ride back.

"don't be silly, you're the guest." sam started, gesturing her to return it and octavia rolled her eyes.

"well i am going to live here aren't i? better start shifting some of the responsibilities onto me." she mockingly replied and sam chuckled, so happy that he sister was finally living with him and his family that he couldn't stay even fake upset with her.

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