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when bella left, the pack found themselves leaving the yard one by one, needing rest for the upcoming training. jacob and octavia were the last two left. jacob was laying down, staring up at the moon. it was a full moon tonight and it was beautiful.

it was clear that he was quite angry and hurt. octavia felt bad for him. she hated bella for screwing with him like that and for some reason she felt like she needed to be the one who brought him out of the pit bella drops him in constantly. she looked around before laying down beside him with a cheeky grin.

"what?" he asked. his tone was bitter and heartbroken. he held back his tears and moved his arm so octavia was laying under it. she said nothing and he subconsciously played with her hair. he pulled the hair tie off and ran his fingers through it again and again.

"talk to me." she turned her head and faced him.

he looked at her, his eyes were full of tears, "you talk." he mumbled. not wanting it to be obvious he was close to crying he looked back at the moon, "just don't mention her, please ava." his voice cracked.

octavia smiled weakly at him. she stared at his face, taking in how beautiful he was under the moonlight. if she could grab her phone and take a picture of his beautiful skin, messy hair, faint stubble and deep brown eyes, she would.

"you know how i told you that i need you to fix up a car for me?" she asked, "well it's cause i'm not going to school on the reservation. my brother has tried to talk me into going to school here like so many time but i really wannt meet new people. not that you guys are boring or anything, but in texas my high school was huge. i wasn't popular or anything but i knew a lot of people and it was fun. also, i want a prom so badly." she stopped to catch her breath.

at this point jacob was laughing at her, octavia smiled and they both looked at each other. "won't you be lonely?"

she blinked, "well maybe. if nobody talks to me, which won't happen cause i'm awesome." she posed and they laughed again, "but it's fine, a bit of loneliness doesn't kill."

they stared at each other under the moonlight. jacob took the chance to take in all of octavia's features. her long hair, delicate fingers, rosy cheeks and button nose. she was beautiful to him, "well what if i joined with you?" he asked.

"you would do that for me?" her cheeks flushed again and she was sure he could hear her heart beating in her chest.

jacob nodded, "i need a bit of a change too. and honestly, prom doesn't sound so bad either." she looked back up at the sky and he sat up, "let's head to bed. we both have a long day ahead of us." she stood up and stretched.

silently they walked to her basement and she shyly waved him goodbye. he laughed and pulled her in for a hug, kissing her forehead before going back to his room.

and for the first night in forever, jacob dreamt of octavia and not bella.

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