fifty two

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in the car, octavia relaxed. this would be her only few minutes to take off her heels and slouch. jacob laughed at her and she rolled her eyes.

"sam asked me to do a speech." he groaned, reading from his phone, "i'm scared."

"you got this jacob," she rubbed his arm and kissed his cheek quickly, making sure her lipstick didn't rub on his cheek, "he asked me to do one too,"

"how are you not nervous?".

"she is. she is just hiding it." jasper said from the front seat.

"how do you know?" she furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

"i have pathokinesis. i have the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of people around me."

"so why don't you help me out here?" jacob asked and the southern boy laughed.

"you'll be fine jacob." octavia whispered, "besides, i'll be sitting next to you so most of the attention will be on me anyways." she winked.

"of course," he leaned in and kissed her jaw softly. she blushed and shook her head, opening the car door as they had arrived to the reception.

the two walked hand in hand to their seats in the reception, laughing at how paul and seth were already making a fool of themselves on the dance floor.

"hello octavia and jacob." carlisle got up immediately and shook her hand. octavia still wasn't used to the cold icy hands but she didn't say anything.

she greeted him politely, esme too before hugging rosalie and sitting beside her. she high fived emmett then watched as jacob sat beside her.

"rosalie you look amazing," octavia grinned.

"thank you, you look gorgeous i love your dress."

"well i tried." octavia giggled and flicked her hair, "how are you guys?" she turned her attention to the group.

"we're doing great." esme smiled. she always made jacob feel welcome so octavia liked her a lot, "how are you guys?"

octavia looked at jacob, "a bit nervous. but doing well." he replied and held her hand under the table. she beamed at him and held his hand tight on her lap.

the cullen's, jacob and octavia held conversation for a while. they stood up when emily and sam arrived and clapped, moving to the floor to dance and catch pictures with the the couple.

"how are you feeling?" octavia asked sam. she and him were dancing to a random song.

sam shrugged, "pretty chill actually. way better than i thought i'd be."

"i'm so proud of you sam." she smiled proudly, "seriously, i'm super proud of how you handle everything."

"thank you sis." he smiled shyly.

"i heard you asked jacob to be alpha."

"he told you?"

"he tells me everything, we don't have any secrets." octavia said smartly and sam laughed, "why didn't you ask paul? or seth? or anyone else?"

"i think jacob would be the best alpha, better than me." sam answered, "he was true alpha anyways. he turned it down at the time but i think he is ready now."

"you don't mind jacob and i seeing each other right?"

"of course not." she stared accusingly at sam, "okay maybe a little but i can't stop you from doing what you want. i'm just scared he's going to hurt you again."

octavia glanced at jacob who smiled at her, she smiled back and looked at sam, "i don't think he will again."

he spun his sister around as the song ended, "then there won't be a problem."

"thank you sam." she curtsied then waved and greeted emily before going to her table. it was time for speeches and she started to get quite nervous.

she was the first to sit down at the table. she did her breathing exercises and tried her best to calm herself down. jasper sat at the table a few seconds later, he felt her anxiousness so he silently began manipulating her mood.

"thank you jasper." she whispered quietly, feeling better already.

"hey, i checked the schedule for the speech, i'm right before you." jaocb sat beside octavia, he looked calm.

"i'm last." she whispered, not wanting people to be distracted from seth's speech, "are you feeling good?"

"perfect," he quickly kissed her forehead and she smiled. she ran over her speech in her head as people began reading their owns.

jacob squeezed octavia's hand once more before standing up for his own speech. she gave him a thumbs up and he began, "sam and emily. i am going to be honest, when you first started dating, i hated it. i'm sorry! i really did." the couple laughed, "but now, i've started to love how much you to adore each other. emily is definitely the brains in the relationship whereas sam is the less smarter one which is why i think you work so perfectly. i hope you know that we, your family, have been waiting eagerly for this day and we wish you all success and happiness. i hope this day will be engraved in your minds forever. i love you both."

people began clapping for jacob. he barely noticed though because his main concern was a nervous ava. he handed the mic to her and she took it, smiling nervously at him. he decided to stay standing up and held her hand to support her.

"dear sam and emily, being among you both on this special day brings me the greatest happiness.

"i spent my childhood looking up to my brother, even though we were miles apart, i was in total awe of him. he visited as often as he could to teach me brotherly things like how to ride a bike, the correct way to tie shoe laces and how to play football.

"he was always checking up on me and for that i am forever grateful to having sam uley as my elder brother, the best brother anybody can ask for.

"emily and i have only known each other for such a short time but in that time she has become the sister i never had. we've done a lot together from cooking to spa days to shopping trips.

"seeing emily and sam together has made me realise that soulmates are indeed true." she squeezed jacob's hand whose cheeks turned rosy, "i pray that you both have the best life together and i can't wait to have a young emily or sam running around. by the way, i won't mind if you name your daughter after me.

"thank you both for being the best role models i could ever have, i love you both." she smiled widely at the two, winking at her brother before passing the mic off and sitting down.

octavia took a deep breath and closed her eyes, relieved that it was finally over. jacob smiled lovingly at her and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing it softly.

"that was beautiful." he whispered, and she blushed, "i love you."

"i love you more."

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