forty four

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"i want to get her something special." jacob spoke to emmett as they got out the car. people stared at them, it wasn't every day you saw two gorgeous men both talk and built.

emmett paid for the parking and they walked to the apple store first, "well sometimes gifts don't have to be expensive. most of the gifts i get rosalie are made with love."

"we should've bought rosalie. we need a girls opinion." jacob groaned, getting in the line of the store.

"and when she finds out i went shopping without thinking of her first she's going to throw me into a tree." emmett laughed, "i can always text her and she'll tell me what's good. for now think of things that are significant in octavia and your relationship."

jacob nodded and thought carefully about his and ava's relationship. he thought about swimming, he thought about the night they stared in the stars, he thought about the car and then it hit him. ava.

"i got it!"

"emily!" octavia, who had just escaped from sam's and her awkward conversation, "what are you doing?"

"packing." she had a great smile on her face, "just extra stuff for the honey moon and for the hotel tonight." emily had planned to spend her last night unmarried with her parents in a hotel so she was going to leave that day.

"need help?" octavia offered.

"sure, i need some bathing suits. they're in that cupboard." she pointed to the left of the room where octavia went to.

"where are you guys going again?" octavia asked curiously.

emily shrugged, "sam wants to keep it a secret. it won't be a secret for much longer though, i'll know by the time we go to the airport." they both giggled.

"i'm so excited to have you as my sister. well i already view you as one but for the title to be official, i'm so excited." octavia grinned, throwing emily a few bathing suits, "i can't wait."

"neither can i." the two smiled at each other sisterly before zipping up her suitcase.


after the two boys picked up jacob's new phone, they went to a jewellery store. jacob decided he would get ava a necklace with the nickname he picked for her.

"that's so sweet," emmett cooed, "when are we allowed to meet her?" he asked.

jacob thought for a second, doing the maths in his head. the wedding was in two days, so ava would probably be free tomorrow, "tomorrow. i think. if she wants to."

emmett threw a punch in the air, excitedly texting rosalie. the two were good at their vegetarian life style but they planned to hunt that night just in case.

while emmett was on the phone, jacob started talking to the store clerk. he requested a personalised necklace with ava's name and a simple bracelet. the assistant told him that it'd take about an hour so they should go and comeback. after jacob got his hair cut, they wandered around the mall.

"do you wanna get her something else?" emmett asked.

"no," he shook his head, "i am hungry though. i'm gonna go eat."

"and i'll watch." emmett cheekily replied. jacob laughed snd they made their way to the food court. jacob ordered himself fries and a burger, munching through it happily.

on the way back to the jewellery store emmett confirmed their plans, "okay so if octavia says yes to meeting us then tomorrow we go bowling?"

jacob nodded, "perfect plan."

"i'm gonna head to the car, i'll meet you there."

jacob nodded and walked into the store. the assistant showed him the necklace and the bracelet and he was pretty pleased. he paid for them both and paid extra for a pretty box to put them in.

it was a bit on the expensive side but jacob didn't care. he was willing to spend everything on ava.


someone knocked on the door, "i'll go and get it, it's probably mariposa." leah said, rushing to it. the pack were spending time in the black's home as emily and sam said their final goodbyes.

they were all squished in the living room, some on eht floor, some on the couch watching seth, embry, paul and quil playing four player mario kart.

"who is there?" octavia asked since leah was taking a while.

there was no response but within a few seconds jacob was standing at the living room door, "hey guys!"

"jake!" seth jumped up, forgetting his game and going to hug him. everyone jumped up and bombarded him with hugs. it was a bunch of loud noises and jacob's deep laugh.

nicknames, jacob black.Where stories live. Discover now