fifty three

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the rest of the wedding flowed beautiful. the cutting of the came had everybody in tears but lunch was definitely ava and jacob's favourite part.

"drinks?" a waiter came to offer champange to the table. the cullen's, of course, said no but jacob took two glasses. he handed on to ava who gave him a nervous look.

she shook her head, putting it down. she wanted to stay away from all types of alcohol, even something as weak as champange.

"jacob, i don't want it." she shook her head and pushed the glass to him, "please."

"don't worry, if you don't want it you don't have to have it, okay?" he smiled reassuringly. she clung onto his hand with both of hers and watched him hand the drink off to an overly excited seth.

"i heard you were from texas." jasper smiled at octavia. she grinned and nodded, "i'm from houston, what about you?"

octavia looked shocked, "no way? so am i!" jacob smiled, "when was the last time you went back to your home?"

"a while, a long while." he nodded, "i haven't been back since i met alice here." he turned to her and smiled lovingly.

"you should go back one day, it's beautiful there." ava turned and looked at jacob, "i plan to take jacob back there one day."

"maybe we'll come with you." alice grinned.

"wanna dance?" jacob whispered to ava, there was a slow song playing as the wedding was coming to an end. ava nodded and got up to dance, the cullen's behind them.

"you look so good by the way." she whispered to jacob. her arms were wrapped loosely around his shoulder and his were wrapped around her waist.

jacob kissed her forehead, "you look gorgeous, like damn." he chuckled and she blushed.

"you're too kind." she grinned widely, "i love weddings. they're so fun and they make me feel so much love. does that make sense? i don't know, but i love them. i love you."

jacob laughed, "are you sure you didn't drink anything?

"stop jacob," she whined, "i'm serious, i love you a lot okay?" she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him down, "i love you."

"i love you more." he whispered quietly before kissing her softly. she smiled into their kissed, playing with his hair. she pulled away and rested on his shoulder.

"are we doing anything tonight?" she asked curiously.

"i don't have anything planned." jacob thought, "do you want to do something?"

"yeah, i think staying in bed all night is kinda boring unless we do other things." she winked at him and he chuckled, "we have to do something fun."

"anything in mind?" he asked, fixing her hair.

"you pick, i pay."

"there is no way that's happening."

"so i pick, i pay?" she tilted her head.

"no, i'm paying."

"there's no way that's happening jacob." she laughed and shook her head. he frowned and she copied his facial expression causing them both to laugh, "come on. i got you this time, my treat."

"nope!" jacob and octavia pulled apart, standing to one side as the happy couple made their get away. they gave them a quick hug before waving bye, watching them leave.

"fine, you pay and i pick. but next time it's all me." she pouted.

jacob was happy he got his way so he leaned in and kiss her passionately. her pout quickly disappeared. she was annoyed jacob got his way so quickly so she decided to tease him by licking his bottom lip.

his lips parted automatically to let her tongue in but she pulled away, a smirk on her face.

"octavia 1, jacob 0." she whispered quietly, laughing when his face turned red.

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