twenty eight

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nothing special happened in march. it was spring so she celebrated her birthday, 30th of march, her eighteenth. she thought it was going to be more fun than normal, but nothing really happened. she spent the door locked in her room, talking to leah and paul who sung her happy birthday.

"you guys are losers." she giggled.

"your losers!"


octavia began filming videos for jacob again. they became her way of letting go of things. she would film random things, like what she bought at the store, what she saw at the movies, what she ate.


octavia swears she can't remember anything from may. her days were spent getting drunk and her nights were spent getting high with her stoner friends. this was a low period for her. still, every night ended the same. with her crawling into bed and listening to jacob's voicemail, to his voice notes they used to send each other.


octavia was too excited. every morning at 8am, she would get up and happily cross off a date. the day she was flying to forks was june 5th. even though the days went by extremely slow, she had the time of her life.

she stopped reckless partying. she hadn't touched alcohol in a week and had not touched drugs either. she started running in the mornings again, attending gym after work and getting her life back in order. if she wanted to return, she had to have a positive mind set for it.

on the 12th of june, octavia got up. she happily marked off june 4th on her calendar and grinned. she threw on her gym clothes and stretched before wearing her earphones and going on her run. her flight wasn't for a couple hours so she wanted to go on a last run.

the sun was shining brightly, it was practically summer so it got bright very quickly. she ran though all her favourite spots, the park where she cut her knee at age 6, the leisure centre where her and her mother would spend hours reading, the ice cream parlour that she would take her brother too.

she was gonna miss houston, but she missed forks more. that was her home. that was where she belonged. when she got her, she waved at her step dad who barely even noticed her. her mother was at work and her brother was at her school. they did not get along for the past couple of months. he caught he smoking on the roof and had a fit, her mother had to calm him down.

she rushed up to her room, showering quickly. she straightened her hair and got dressed in comfortable clothes before double checking her suitcases. she got all her documents ready and practically rushed out the house.

forks washington, here she comes!


octavia had never been more nervous in her life. she couldn't not sleep on the flight at all. she flipped through countless of movies on the little screen and skipped every song on her playlist.

she could barely eat or drink any of the complimentary food and drinks that the flight attendant would hand out. she was too excited, too nervous. it had been so long since she and jacob spoke and she could not wait to see him again.

she wondered if they were gonna work out this time. they were destined for each other. sam said even though he imprinted on emily, it took him accidentally hurting her to fully feel his bond to her, so maybe when octavia saw jacob again he'd feel the connection they had.

when the flight ended, she took the first cab she saw to the reservation. she had to push a newly wed couple and a family of four to get to that cab. and she did not care. she needed to see jacob.

annoyingly, the ride to the reservation felt longer than last time. it was a hot day in forks, so the driver had opened the windows. octavia enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but fucking hell she needed to arrive quicker.

she arrived about twenty minutes later, practically jumping out the cab after paying and grabbing her things. she looked up at the reservation and grinned, she was home!

"octavia?" she heard a deep voice. she turned around and saw a tall man. she gasped loudly when she recognised who it was.

"seth? what the heck you're so tall and your voice-" she didn't get to finish because seth ran to her and gave her s tight bear hug. she giggled and hugged him back, just as tight, "you've grown so much!"

"i know, i look great right?" his long curly hair trailed to his back and he flexed his muscles.

"guess you can help with my bags?" she asked and nodded, grabbing them both.

"everyone's inside, they didn't think you were arriving until tomorrow!" he exclaimed and she laughed.

"i wanted to surprise you guys, so keep quiet seth." she grinned and he pretended to zip his mouth shut. he placed her bags outside her room and the two snuck to emily's house.

"what's the plan?" he whispered.

"we're gonna walk into the living room and act like nothing is happening, waiting until somebody notices." she shrugged and he nodded.

seth walked into the room first. he sat down beside sam and they began talking. octavia waited a few seconds before walking in. she walked in casually, keeping her eyes on her phone. she sat down and tried not to laugh.

"oh hey octavia." paul waved at her, she giggled, it was clear he didn't realise what's going on. leah's head snapped to octavia, emily gasped, sam stood up in shock.


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