thirty six

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"hi carlisle." octavia smiled. she liked the doctor and was often intimidated with his good looks. he gestured for her to come in and she looked back at leah, who nodded, before stepping in.

"how have you been?" he asked her, pouring her a glass of water. she thanked him and held the glass with two hands. she was so nervous that her hands were shaking.

"good, good." she put the cup down, afraid she was going to drop it, "how are you? how's esme?" she politely asked.

carlisle smiled, "i'm good and so is esme. been keeping ourselves busy here. how the wedding plans going?"

"great actually. sam and emily seem so happy, they're like positive balls of sunshine." she giggled.

octavia didn't even notice that esme, jasper and alice had entered the room. alice smiled happily at octavia and jasper bowed his head kindly. she gently shook their hands and giggled when esme pulled her in for a hug.

"is everything okay at the reservation?" esme asked, curious as to way she turned up out of the blue.

"no everything is fine." she spoke and the looked at her curiously for more answers, "i just wanted to see, um, jacob. i know he's come back but nobody is telling me where he is so i assumed he was here."

the group looked to carlisle then to the floor. octavia felt the sudden shift in mood and also looked down. she had a strong feeling when entering the house that even if jacob was living here, she would not be allowed to see him.

"octavia, under normal circumstances i'd let you to talk to him but your bro-" carlisle begun. the sad tone in his voice sent tears to her eyes. she tried to stop them from falling down her cheeks but failed. alice nudged jasper to help her calm down.

"no it's okay. if he is here and i can't talk to him, i understand." she put on a brave face and grabbed her letter from her bag. she gave this to carlisle, "just make sure he gets this, please."

"i will." carlisle spoke and alice helped show octavia out the house.

"he talks about you." the short girl spoke, "he says he's getting better for you and that he hopes you'll wait for him. i know it seems hopeless but he will be back at the reservation in no time octavia. trust me."

octavia smiled weakly and stepped down the porch. she was about to get into the car when she heard someone call her name. she looked around then looked up at the balcony.

there he was. looking beautiful with the sun beaming off his skin. it brought tears to her eyes and her face crumbled up. all she really wanted to do was hug him tight but she knew they couldn't.

he yelled words of encouragement and blew a kiss. she blushed and caught it, placing it to her cheek.

"i'll see you soon ava! i promise, we'll talk then." he called and she nodded. she was so stunned she could barely speak. her throat was dry and all she could do was cry.

jacob gave her one last wave and sighed when they drove off. he missed her deeply and when he could no longer see the car his heart ached in pain.


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