Chapter 10

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             Edward's and Bella's POV

Ever since we have been spending time re thinking about a plan to end out second child y/n we decided to settle on our plan and figure stuff out. Nessie in the other hand has developed deep hate towards y/n , she hates y/n more than anything in the world and she has claimed that y/n from this day forward will be her mortal enemy ... Well ... Immortal enemy. Jacob has became more over protective of nessie since he knows what's happening and the wolf's are helping us out because they don't want jacob to loose his imprint , once a wolf imprints it is there job and the packs job to keep there imprints safe and alive. We haven't contacted carlisle and esme at all , we were rather shocked they left us by ourselves in this situation when they always had our backs when we would have a problem like this because we were a coven and a coven is considered a family ... But it is all gone ... And there is no one else to blame but y/n herself. If i had not given birth to her the cullen's wouldn't have disbanded and make them hate us all for the temper tantrums of y/n playing the victim card saying we never loved her.

                      Nessie's POV

Ever since y/n made that whole scene back in the field my life has been living hell. Mom and dad are stressed trying to figure out a plan to kill that bitch and not only mom and dad have taken there attention away from me to figure out something to kill y/n , but she also manages to play the victim and get all my aunties and uncles along with grandparents to hate me and turn against me. All of this infuriated me to the core and i wanted revenge ... And what better revenge then to hurt her where it hurts ? Does not my sister have a mate ? What's his name ? ... Oh yeah ! Felix ... What a beautiful name for a handsome man ... Very muscular too. I wonder ... How will he be able to resist me when no man has yet resisted me ?

*Evil smirk*

           Carlisle's and esme's POV

We have absolutely no regrets not getting ourselves un involved with y/n's revenge plan that she has against edward, bella , and nessie. What we do have regret is that if we could turn back the clock we would encourage bella and edward to spend more time with there second loving daughter instead if pushing her away and making her fight for her parents love when no child should ever need the feel to think that they have to fight to get there parents love.

               Alice and jaspers POV

We have officially moved out and started a new life. We have our own luxury apartment and we couldn't ask for nothing else. What does concern me is that y/n will stop at nothing to kill bella , edward , and nessie ... I don't want my niece to do something and kill someone when she might regret her actions later ... Murder is such a horrible thing to do to another being but then again ... We understand her pain because she has lived with it for the past years ... And everyone pays there dues wether there here on earth ... Or ...

Hell ...

              Rosalie's and emmett's

We had taken a plane to Africa and we have plans to settle ourselves there for the remaining of time after we hear from carlisle that bella and edward along with nessie are no longer alive and y/n's threat because reality. We wouldn't want to admit this to anyone but we are terrified for our daughter
Y/n ... Im not saying she is incapable of killing bella and edward along with her sister ... What im terrified about is that things might go south for her and ... She will end up the one getting her revenge back. However me and emmett have been thinking about a decision and we decided that it would be for the best of all of us ... And i think it would also be the best for our dearest y/n .


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