Chapter Seven

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Y/N woke up the following morning in her bed and looked around the room and saw Felix sitting on the sofa reading "Good morning little one" He said with a smile "Good morning. Did you stay here all night?" She replied "Yes, I hope you don't mind but after a lovely evening with you which ended with you falling asleep in my arms, I didn't wish to leave you alone" He smiled at her "I don't mind, in fact I'm glad you stayed. I also enjoyed our date last night, although I'm sorry I fell asleep during it." Felix chuckled and made his way over to her bed "Don't be. It was nice that you felt safe with me to do so" He wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed into him "Thank you Felix." "For what?" He asked and pulled back a little "For-for not being the person I-I was told you'd be" She replied low "I'm just glad you gave me a chance to show you who I really am, although I know you are still a little...unsure of me; of my feelings for you" He replied "I'm trying not to be but it's..." "It's ok, I understand" He cut her off and pulled her in for another hug "I'm your mate and we have forever so there is no rush. We can take things as slow as you would like" "Do you really mean that?" She asked "Yes, I do little one" He took her warm hand in his cold one and bought it to his lips pressing a kiss to her knuckles; she felt a warm feeling run through her and smiled at him.

The following night Y/N, Jane and Heidi made their way to the family room for movie night; Y/N sat between Felix and Demetri and waited for the film to start. Alec picked a horror film to watch and at a particular gruesome part Y/N hid her face in Felix's arm "Let me know when I look again" Her words were muffled by his jumper but he heard her and immediately wrapped his arm around her pulling her into his side and smiled when she relaxed into him. Demetri noticed this from the corner of his eye and smiled too, happy that Y/N felt comfortable enough to seek comfort from her mate. Felix kissed her hair before whispering "You can look now little one" He felt her lift her head slightly to look back at the screen but she stayed snuggled into his side for the remainder of movie night.

Afton held a grudge against Felix and Jane for the removal of his arms, despite him provoking Felix the day the guards and Y/N returned from the Carnival. He never forgave Demetri when he 'accidently' put his arms back the wrong way round as it meant they had to be re-removed and re-attached by Santiago. He planned to get his revenge on Felix and bided his time until his plan could be executed. He knew his revenge would also affect Demetri so it was one stone, two bird's situation for him.

Felix, Demetri and the twins left for a mission leaving Y/N alone as Heidi was busy collecting humans for the next 'tour.' Afton's got his opportunity to exact his revenge the day after the four elite guards left the castle. Y/N was outside in the garden reading and didn't hear him come up behind her until she felt his breath on her ear "Felix won't want you or love you after this" He whispered and bit down on her neck, she screamed in pain and felt him tighten his hold on her. However, Afton was pulled off her by Santiago before he could fully flood her system with his venom. Santiago noticed she was now starting to bleed out as the bite mark hadn't been sealed due to him ripping Afton away from her "Take him to the throne room" Santiago said as he shoved Afton towards another guard named Matt. Santiago lifted Y/N into his arms and held his breath and sped to the throne room kicking open the doors and they hit the stone walls loudly "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF...." Caius' shouting was cut off the second they entered the room "EVERYONE OUT NOW!" Aro ordered and the guards on duty left the room just as Matt arrived with Afton "Afton did this to her. I pulled him off her but the bite mark hasn't been sealed" Santiago stated quickly "It-it b-burns" Y/N stuttered out, tears falling down her cheeks. Caius took her from Santiago and laid her on the floor and leant over her "Please forgive me my dear" He placed his mouth over the existing bite mark and sucked out Afton's venom before sinking his teeth into her neck and letting his venom enter her system, therefore becoming her creator. Aro looked down and saw that Caius' mark had replaced Afton's "Brother..." "I couldn't let her die as she is Felix's mate and they have been through so much already. This way I am her creator not him" Caius cuts Aro off and points to Afton "Felix is more likely to accept that his mate is now immortal if she has my venom in her just as he has yours Aro" He added "That's true brother, I think it would have caused more problems for them if it was Afton who changed her" Marcus responds.

Aro takes Afton's hand in his own and watches the scene play out in the garden "It would seem brothers that Afton planned to change Y/N to get revenge on Felix, knowing it would cause trouble and all because Felix defended his mate a few weeks back after Afton picked a fight with him" Aro said once he let go of his hand "It is against the law to interfere with another's mate, to try and break their bond and you will be punished" Marcus says calmly as Chelsea enters the throne room, having been told by the recently dismissed guards about Afton being in trouble with the masters. "Sorry for interrupting masters, but can I ask what Afton has done?" "Chelsea my dear, so good to see you. Although I do have some bad news for you...Afton is to be 'dealt with' as he attempted to change Y/N to get back at Felix and well he made a mess of it and Caius has had to change her himself in order to save her" Aro informed her, Chelsea was shocked and covered her mouth with her hands; after a few moments she finally spoke "I-I understand m-master. Do what-what you must with him" She stuttered out "You know what is going to happen to him my dear" Aro responds and she nods as venom fills her eyes that cannot be shed "Good-goodbye Afton" She whispers and follows Caius out of the throne room as he makes his way to Y/N's room. "Any last words Afton?" Aro asks "I regret nothing and we all know Felix will struggle to accept her now" Aro nods at Santiago and he removes Afton's head before Matt lets him fall to the floor and the two vampires remove Afton's arms and legs "Burn him" Aro says as he leaves the room.

Chelsea opens the door to Y/N's room and Caius enters carrying her over to the bed "Please let me clean her up before Felix returns" She says and Caius nods as he passes Y/N to Chelsea. Chelsea cleans up the bite mark and the blood surrounding the area "Master, please can you pass in the short sleeve black dress from her closet?" Caius passes her the dress and a few moments later Chelsea exits the bathroom with Y/N in her arms and lays her down gently on her bed.

Chelsea and Caius stay with Y/N during her change "Master, what are we going to tell Felix?" Chelsea asked low "We tell him the truth that Afton made a mess of trying to change her out of revenge and that I stepped in and replaced his venom with my own in order to save her. It's my bite mark on her neck now not Afton's" Caius responds and Chelsea nods "Thank you for letting me stay here with her" "You're welcome my dear, I figured it would help you, all things considered" He replied and she nodded "I hope Felix doesn't hold Afton's actions against me" She said low "He won't, especially as you and I are going to take care of her until he returns" Caius replied.

Y/N woke up three days later; sitting up and taking in the sights around her; noticing the loose thread on rug by the fireplace, feeling the cotton thread of the duvet beneath her when her eyes met Caius' "Hello my dear" "Ca-Caius" She replies low "Wh-what happened?" "You were bitten by Afton in the garden and Santiago intervened and bought you to us and I had to change you in order to save you" He replied "I-I remember he said that Felix wouldn't want me or love me knowing I had his venom running through me" She replied "Well you don't need to worry about that my dear, as it's my venom running through you" "Felix will have an issue with the fact that it's not his venom" She answered sounding a little sad "Nothing will change between you hunny, I promise. He will just be glad that master Caius saved you" Chelsea answered softly "Oh and just so you are aware Afton was disposed of after this incident as he broke one our laws" She added "I-I'm sorry Chelsea" Y/N replies "Don't be Y/N, you did nothing wrong. Afton knew what the consequences were should he be found out and went ahead anyway" Chelsea replies.

"As you are my creation Y/N, you spend your newborn year with us at the castle and we all help you adjust to your new life. First things first feedings; we do not allow hunting in the city and so once Felix and Demetri return, I will have them take you hunting outside of the city and show you what to do. In the meantime, Heidi saved you two humans from our 'tour' this morning, they are waiting in a guest room on the floor below. Shall we?" Caius informs Y/N "I-I don't know what to-to do" She says slowly "You are a lot faster and stronger than the humans in the room so it'll be easy to overpower them. You need hold them firmly against you, this can be via the front of their neck or around their middle, then you tilt their head to the side and bite down and let the blood flow down your throat to ease the burn. We will be right there with you" Chelsea replies. Once inside the guest room Y/N grabbed the first human and did as Chelsea told her although she struggled and it was not the most efficient kill nor was it the cleanest but Caius and Chelsea did not judge her. Y/N drained the second human but later she felt upset at having killed two innocent humans. "You did well today Y/N and it will get easier, I promise" Caius said low.

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