Final Chapter

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A few days later Y/N attends the first of two trials in the throne room, involving a nomad and a human. Caius wanted to see how Y/N would be around the human male, now she had finally got control over her thirst. Caius was also proud that she had finally learnt how to kill quickly and cleanly thanks to the help and support of Felix and Demetri. Caius had advised her that she cannot kill the human, she is merely there to observe a trial now she is a member of the Guard.

Aro took the female vampire's hand in his and saw how she met the male and it reminded him of Edward and Bella's situation. "You have told this human about our kind but you have yet to turn him or kill him..." He trailed off looking between the vampire and the human. No one spoke. "What do you plan to do with this human?" He asked and after a moment she replied "I would like to turn him so I can spend forever with him but..." "But what?" Caius called out cutting her off "I-I haven't turned anyone before and am scared I'll mess it up" She replied low and Aro gave her a sympathetic look "I'm sure we can work something out...hmm" He replied looking at Demetri who stepped forward "Master" The female vampire and the human male turned to look at the tracker "Please escort our guests to a guest room and 'help' this vampire turn her mate" Aro asked "Of course" Demetri nodded "Follow me" He instructed the guests and they followed him out of the room. "The Volturi offer that service?" Y/N asked Felix quietly, she was both confused and a little amused "Sometimes, depending on the situation" He replied.

The second trial was more interesting than the first; this one involved two groups of nomads who were fighting over territory "How can they fight over territory if they're nomads" Y/N asked confused "That's the million-dollar question" Felix replied smiling. "What land are you fighting over?" Aro asked "We have been living in a small town in Spain for six months" The tall dark-haired male vampire replied "Those two moved in about one month ago and started acting as though they owned the area" The shorter blonde-haired female vampire added pointing at the two red-headed male vampires who rolled their eyes "That is not the case, we had no idea they lived in the area when we moved there" The taller of the red-heads said "You have since found this out and still decided to fight us for the territory" The blonde female replied "You haven't ate many of the humans there so we figured we'd help you" The shorter red-head added "ENOUGH" Caius shouted and the room went quiet "You are nomads and therefore cannot claim territory, let alone fight over it" He added, Aro smirked seeing the nomads flinch. Aro took the hand of the shorter red-head vampire and saw that they have been killing many humans in the area, almost as if they are trying to draw attention to themselves. "I see that you two..." He pointed at the red-heads and then continued "...Have been killing many humans in the area and have not done a very good job at covering their deaths up, all in an attempt to gain their 'territory'" The vampires tried to protest but Aro held his hand up, effectively silencing them "The couple were there first and have kept a low profile and therefore I am giving them the land" Aro added and the vampire couple smiled "Thank you Aro." They bowed their heads and left the throne room. Aro waved his hand and Felix stepped forward coming to stand behind the red-heads "Deal with these two please" "Of course master" Felix replied and watched as Alec's mist circled one of the males whilst he removed the head of the other, once Alec's mist cleared Felix removed the head of other the vampire. Y/N got to see her mate in action and couldn't help smiling "Would you like help burning them Fe?" She asked and he nodded "Ok. Grab that one and follow me." Felix then proceeded to show her to the 'burning room' and how to set them alight to ensure they are dealt with permanently.

Two weeks later Y/N returns to Forks with Caius and the four elite guards to pay the Cullens a visit showing them that they were wrong about her and Felix and their relationship. Alice saw their decision to come to Forks and warned her siblings and Bella of Caius' visit, although she did not know the outcome of the visit as no decision had been made.

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