Chapter Six

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The following afternoon Demetri, Alec and Jane left for a mission; they said their goodbyes to Y/N and Felix separately. That evening after dinner Y/N was on her way to Felix's room when she heard voices "I take it Felix won't be joining 'boys' night tonight, opting to spend time with Y/N" Santiago said to Josh "Actually Felix is joining 'boys' night, guess he had enough of the human yesterday; I mean they did spend the whole day together and most of the evening" Josh replied. Y/N felt her heart break a little hearing that and decided to spend the night alone; something she had gotten very used to. She cried her to sleep thinking 'he's changed his mind about wanting me...after spending just one day together. There must be something wrong with me...something that makes me...unlovable.' Y/N stayed in her room the next few days only seeing Gianna when she bought her meals to her room. Felix was on guard duty and covering other duties for his friends whilst they were away.

Demetri, Jane and Alec returned to the castle; Jane going straight to see Y/N "Hi Y/N we're back" She said entering Y/N's room, noticing the stuffed toys Felix had won her were no longer on her bed "Hi Jane. Everything go ok?" Y/N replied "The mission went well, the problem was dealt with swiftly. How are you and Felix getting on?" Jane responded "Er...we're not. I haven't seen him since the Carnival. It would appear he has changed his mind about me...." "I'll kill him" Jane growled cutting her off "No need for that Jane. He is allowed to change his mind. I'd like to be on my own...if you don't mind" Y/N said not looking at Jane "Of course sweetie. I'll see you later" Jane made her way to the door and unknown to Y/N Jane heard her mumble "It's my own fault...I should never have thought someone like him would want someone like me" Y/N had her back to Jane so she didn't see the tears that had started to fall.

"I'll kill him!" Jane growled loudly as she slammed Demetri's door shut behind her "Dare I ask who?" Demetri asked "That stupid idiot friend of yours. That's who" She replied "Why? What's he done now?" Demetri was curious "He has rejected Y/N whilst we've been away..." "WHAT?!" Demetri yelled "Are you serious? After everything she's been through? After everything we did to help him?" Jane nods in response "I'm going to kill him!" Demetri growled, storming from his room to find Felix in the training room, Jane hot on his heels. He flashed up behind Felix catching him off guard and threw him into the wall; Jane used her gift to keep Felix subdued. Demetri flashed over to him grabbing him by the neck and squeezing so hard that cracks started to appear; he growled into his friend's face "You don't deserve her!" He shoved him away, Felix hitting the wall again "He's all yours" He said to Jane as passed her on his way out of the room.

Demetri ran to Y/N's room to check on her as he had become fond of her; he entered her room to find her lying on her bed crying, he closed the door behind him and made his way to her, pulling her gently into his arms "I'm so sorry cara" He said low in her ear "D-don't be...I-it's not y-your fault" She sobbed "It's mine" "And how did you work that one out?" Demetri asked "T-there's some-something wrong...with me. I-I'm unlovable" She was sobbing harder now and he held her closer "You are not unlovable Y/N. You just need to find the right person" He said softly "Ha...That's a joke right? I mean I'm mated to a vampire...a vampire that doesn't want me. Just bite me and lock me away" "Y/N I will do no such thing. If that idiot doesn't want you...I'll speak to the masters and ask if they'll let you leave. Let you live out your life away from here" He replied "Thank you're a good friend"

Back in the training room "What's going on? What's he done now" Santiago asked "He's rejected Y/N whilst we've been away..." "No he hasn't or at least not that I'm aware of" Santiago cut her off "Then why does she think she's been rejected? Why is she crying in her room?" Jane asked forgetting about Felix for moment "S-she th-thinks I d-don't w-want her?" Felix asks, the cracks on his face and neck making it hard to talk "Yes. You idiot. You haven't seen her since the carnival and that was five days ago" Jane replies glaring at him "You prat" Santiago says shaking his head "You better go set things straight" Felix nods and flashes to Y/N's room.

He walks in to see Y/N lying in his best friend's arms "What the hell's going on?" Felix shouts "I'm comforting my friend after her stupid mate rejected her" Demetri shoots back "I haven't rejected her" "Don't lie Felix. I heard your friend say that you had had enough of the human after spending one day with her" She said low "That is not true...honestly little one. I have been working, covering Demetri and Alec's shifts too in their absence" "B-But you've not come to see me" "I didn't know if I'd be welcome or if you'd want to spend time with me without Heidi or Demetri around" He replied "If you'd bothered to come to my room and talk to me you'd know whether you'd be welcome. We spent time alone together after the Carnival did we not?" "Yes, but..." "But what Felix? I came to your room...well I was on my way there until I heard your friend and..." She trailed off "I'm going to leave you both to talk" Demetri said as he left the room "Fix this" He mouthed to Felix.

Felix made his way over to the bed and sat down "I'm sorry. This is new to me..." "It's new for me too Felix" Y/N says "I' just after everything that happened I didn't want to scare you away...but it seems I've pushed you away instead...which is rather unfortunate as I have planned something for you...for us...for tomorrow night, knowing that Demetri would cover for me" "You've planned a surprise...for me?" "Yes...little one. Don't sound so surprised and I figured with Demetri being back in the castle you'd feel more comfortable being alone with me, knowing he was around if you needed him. I know you're more comfortable with him than me" "There's a reason for that Felix" "I know. So how about we put the misunderstanding aside and continue getting to know one another?" "O-ok, I'd like that" She replied quietly and he smiled at her "Wh-where are the stuffed animals I gave you? Did you throw them out? Felix sounded a little hurt "No. I-I shut them away in the closet" She replied quietly. "I'll let you sleep, I have a few things to finish sorting out for tomorrow and I need to speak to Demetri. I'll come by about six o'clock tomorrow evening, wear something nice but make sure you'll be warm too" "Ok, I will. Goodnight Felix" "Goodnight little one"

Felix left Y/N's room and went straight to Demetri's and explained everything to him "You Felix are a bloody idiot, romantic but idiot. For what it's worth I'm sorry for how I reacted" "Don't apologise D, you were just defending Y/N and I get that, you're friends after all" Felix replied "I'll always defend her and kick your ass if needed" Demetri replied smiling.

Felix had planned a sunset picnic on the castle roof for him and Y/N; he laid out two large blankets on the floor and placed the small hamper to one side. He then placed some cushions down and another two blankets folded neatly beside them. He then went to collect Y/N for their first date.

"Y/N you ready?" "Yes. I am" She replied "Wow...Y/N" Felix was left breathless at the sight of his mate; she was wearing black skinny jeans and a fitted blue jumper, the outfit hugging her curves in all the right places "Thank you" She blushed taking her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched him eye from head to toe and back again. He gently took her warm hand in his cold one and led up to the castle roof.

Looking around at the rooftop she spotted the blankets, cushions and the hamper "Y-you did all this for...for me?" She asked feeling tears build behind her eyes "Yes" He whispered into her ear "I thought we could have a picnic whilst watching the sunset" "Oh Fe, it's perfect. Thank you" She replied smiling. He led to the blanket and reaching into the hamper he pulled out a single red rose "For you" He smiled handing it to her. He reached back inside the hamper and pulled out two glasses, a bottle of prosecco for Y/N and flask of blood for himself. They talked as they watched the sunset and as the evening went on Felix noticed Y/N had moved closer to him so he decided to take a leaf out of Demetri's book and wrapped an arm around her gently and pulled her into his side; he felt her relax and snuggle into him as he covered them both with blankets. After a while he noticed Y/N's breathing had evened out and that she had fallen asleep in his arms "Goodnight little one. I love you" Felix whispers and kisses her hair holding her a little closer finally happy to have his mate in his arms, where she belongs.

Unloved and Unwanted?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora