Chapter Nine

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Y/N still struggled with feedings and her thirst and felt like she was letting Felix down; like she wasn't good enough to be the mate of an elite guard. Felix noticed that Y/N was pulling away from him but didn't know why until he overheard a conversation between her and Demetri "Hey Y/N, how are doing?" Demetri asked and noticed her eyes filled with venom and she lowered her head "I'm struggling and feel like I'm letting everyone down...that I'm letting him down" She replied low and he knew who Y/N meant as he too had noticed her pulling away from Felix. Demetri carefully placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head "You have let no one down, especially not him. Is this why you have been distancing yourself from him?" She nodded "He deserves someone better...someone who doesn't struggle with-with this life" "The way you were bought into this life wasn't ideal and could be why you are struggling Y/N, I mean you and Felix were getting along so well and had discussed him turning you and that plan was taken away from you both. You cannot blame yourself if you struggle, no one wakes up a perfect newborn you know" He said softly "Really? Do you remember what you like as a newborn?" She asked "You trying to say I'm too old to remember?" He feigned a hurt expression "Maybe..." She winked at him and he chuckled "I was ready to tear into any human that I came across, even if it meant exposing my creator and myself. Amun, my creator decided to focus on helping me hone my tracking gift as a way to...distract me from the blood lust..." "Did it work?" She cut him off and he chuckled "Eventually. I was too focused on perfecting my gift and didn't want to attract unwanted attention. It also helped that I was able to hunt whenever I wanted and didn't have to feed in a room of full people. I used to make a mess as a newborn, but that also got better over time, now there's no mess when I feed whether it be here in the castle or when away on missions" He replied "It's nice to know that I'm not the only messy newborn" Demetri nodded at her and watched as Felix approached them being careful not to spook his newborn mate. "Y/N...may I?" He gestured to the space beside her on the bench and she nodded "I heard you two talking and I want to you to know you haven't let me down. I'm proud of you and am very pleased to have you as my mate. Just let me help you...please" Felix said as he held her small hands in his larger ones and bought them to his lips, placing a kiss to them. She looked up at him, eyes still filled with venom and nodded slowly "Demetri and I will take you hunting away from the city until you have better control and are comfortable enough to feed with the rest of us" She nodded at Felix "I will train one on one with you away from the other guards" Demetri offered smiling "Really? You two would do that...for me?" "Yes, little one we would. I would anything for you" Felix replied "Me too cara...and besides I love a good hunt" Demetri added with a wink, Y/N laughed "Thank you, both of you." "You more than welcome sweetheart" Demetri added.

The following day Demetri and Felix took Y/N hunting outside of the city, somewhere far from the castle. They came across a campsite where four humans sat around a fire talking, one of the men got up "I'm going for a piss" Y/N growled and went to move towards the three campers when Felix's large hand gripped her throat "Not yet, little one" Y/N hissed at her mate and Demetri chuckled "Patience cara" and he took hold of her hand, hoping she wouldn't crush it "Why?" She growled "We need to wait till the other one is far enough way before I let you loose, after all there are three of them and three of us" Felix replied low in her ear "You can have the spare human too" Demetri added with a smile. A few moments later Felix's grip eased "Now" They all ran forward Y/N taking the red-haired female by surprise when she felt a cold hand wrap around her throat. The human was writhing beneath Y/N so much, that it wasn't an efficient kill nor was it a clean kill "You look like a messy child" Demetri teased "Fuck off!" Y/N growled, baring her teeth and Demetri flinched "Language! Little one" Felix called out "Fuck off please!" Y/N growled back at the pair of them, Demetri chuckled and Felix shook his head "Not what I meant" He said looking her, earning another growl from her.

They arrived back at the castle and were greeted by Jane and Alec "How did the hunt go?" Jane asked Demetri "Y/N's method needs work but she'll get there" He replied "Maybe give her a bib next time" Alec chuckled "Fuck off Alec" Y/N hissed and Felix growled beside her "Please" Y/N added and walked off, the twins looked confused "Y/N told me to fuck off whilst we were out and Felix chastised her for it by saying 'language' to which Y/N replied fuck off please" Demetri explained, not bothering to hide his smirk "That wasn't what I meant and she knows it" Felix added "So Y/N swears politely as a result?" Jane asked, amusement clear in her voice and Demetri nodded smiling "Interesting little newborn" Alec smirked.

Demetri loved Y/N when she was his human friend as she introduced him to new things and he liked seeing her experience stuff for the first time; he also liked that he could protect her as she was breakable, but now that she was a newborn, he loved her even more as she wasn't as fragile but she was still his Y/N, his friend. He enjoyed training with her especially after he decided to train her to take down her mate Felix just for fun; something she quickly agreed to, happy to have a distraction from the constant bloodlust. Demetri was the only male Felix would allow to touch and train with Y/N as he knew how much he cared for her and that she'd be safe with him.

"Let's show Felix what you have learnt over the past few weeks" Demetri smiled looking at Y/N, who nodded "Felix, would you mind?" She asked sweetly, giving him her best doe eyed look "Not at all, little one" Felix replied walking towards his mate 'Poor bastard' Demetri thought to himself, trying to hide his smile. Y/N was strong for a newborn and was looking forward to taking down the mountain of a man that was her mate. She ran at him jumping and wrapping both legs around his neck, his hands went straight to the base of her back, just above her ass as they hit the ground...hard. Y/N tried to roll away but Felix grabbed her leg but before he could do anything, she kicked out at him with her other foot, he cried out in pain as her foot connected with his neck. Y/N quickly got up and moved away from him a little, then kicked him with such force that he moved across the courtyard and flipped over onto his front. Y/N moved so fast, Demetri would have missed it had he been human, she stood on her mate's back, one foot at the base of his neck, she grabbed his arms holding them upwards behind him, ready to pull them off. Felix growled low and Demetri watched as Y/N's eyes turned black, a hiss broke past her lips as she pulled his arms further behind him "Y/N. Don't" Demetri warned but it was too late, a cracking sound echoed through the courtyard as Y/N pulled both of Felix's arms from his shoulders, Felix's agonised cries seem to snap Y/N out of the newborn haze, Demetri wrapped his arms tightly around her torso "Drop them" He growled low and she did although she was thrashing about in the tracker's arms trying to get free "What the hell Y/N?" Felix asked at the same time as Y/N asked "What have I done?" "You were supposed to take him down Y/N, subdue him you ripped his arms clean off" Demetri answered her and she stopped moving "Put me down" Demetri shook his head, his grip tightening slightly "PUT ME DOWN" She growled "Please" "It's ok D, put her down" Felix said looking over his shoulder; Demetri released his hold and put her down. As soon as her feet touched the ground she ran to Felix, her knees beside his head. He looked up to see her eyes full of venom "I'm so sorry, really. It was supposed to be fun and I-I..." It's ok Y/N. D can reattach them for me" "I'm so so sorry. Please don't send me away Fe" Felix and Demetri both felt their undead hearts break "D. Hold her for me. Comfort her" Felix called out and Demetri didn't hesitate he knelt beside her and took her into his arms "Sshh sshh. It's ok. You're ok sweetheart" He stroked her hair "I broke him" She sobbed into his chest "Only a bit but he's a big boy. He'll survive" Demetri chuckled "Git" Felix said "Silver lining, Y/N you beat Felix in a fight and I, as your trainer am proud of you" Y/N chuckled "Thanks Dem. I guess I did win that one huh?" "Yes, you did little one" Felix said with a smile "Although, I'm beginning to rethink D training you."

A wicked glint flashed through Y/N's eyes as an idea popped into her head "I like training with Dem, he's taught me a lot" She smiled at them, unwrapping Demetri's arms from around her "Dem's a very good teacher...he's knowledgeable about a range of topics. I'd even go as far as saying he's very experienced..." She trailed off, winking at them both before she took off running, laughing as she heard Felix growl "Felix. She's teasing you. I only taught her how to fight...I promise" Demetri said to Felix looking worried "You gave me advice on how to...please him, remember Dem?" She said low in his ear, he hadn't noticed she had ran in a circle and was now crouching behind him, Felix growled again "Demetri" "She asked for my advice...she was worried she couldn't or wouldn't be able to please you. I merely offered my friend some advice" Demetri shot her a glare and she giggled "Messing with you two is so much fun" She ran inside the castle laughing "Run Y/N" Demetri called out and took off after her, leaving Felix laying on the ground armless "Mates plus friends equals trouble" He said to low to himself.

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