Chapter Three

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"How do you know the Cullens?" Caius asked curiously "My mother was killed in a car accident six months ago and I was sent to live with my father; who I had never met before. It turns out Bella and I share a father. I finally met Bella for the first time about 10 days ago and at first I was unsure why she decided to meet me as neither her nor our father had made me feel welcome or a part of the family, but once they told me about your world and my mate I understood why." Y/N answered "I'm sorry to hear that Y/N" Marcus says looking sad. Hearing this made Jane feel sorry for Y/N as she knows how it feels to be unwanted by those who are meant to care for you.

"Heidi please take Y/N to your room and stay with her, we have to speak with Y/N's mate and inform him of the...situation" Aro says looking at Heidi "Of course master" Heidi replies bowing her head. "Excuse me can I ask a question?" Y/N asks looking at Aro who nods at her to continue "If I am to be rejected by my mate can this be done sooner rather later please? I do not wish to be an inconvenience to him or yourselves any longer than need be" "The decision lies with your mate and there is much to discuss my dear and" Aro replies and Y/N nods.

Heidi and Y/N leave the throne room and make their way to Heidi's room; when inside Heidi sits Y/N on the bed and goes into her bathroom "I'm going to run you a bath sweetie, I think it will help you relax after the day you've had" "Thank you Heidi"

Meanwhile, back in the throne room Aro sends Demetri to get Felix "Please bring Felix here but do not tell him anything" "Of course master" Demetri replies. Demetri found Felix in the library with Alec "Felix, Aro wishes to speak with you" He nods; putting down the book he is reading and walks with Demetri to the throne room. "Good evening masters" Felix greets the three kings bowing his head "Evening Felix" They reply; Demetri comes to stand beside Felix. "Felix we have a situation that we need to discuss with you" Marcus says "Ok, I'm listening" He replies "It has to do with our visitor and the reason behind Heidi's meeting with us" Aro starts "Our visitor is called Y/N and she is your mate according to one of Alice Cullen's visions" Aro continues; Felix looks surprised "They just sent her here?" He asks "Yes my dear boy" Marcus says "I cannot confirm your mate bond until I see you together of course. But...there is a complication; she has been told that she would be rejected by you...and she does not plan on fighting your rejection" Marcus continues.

"B-but...who? Why...what?" Felix is so shocked to hear this he struggles to get a full sentence out. "The Cullens are involved. They sent Y/N here with this letter for Aro" Caius says still angry with them and hands Felix the letter to read "As you can see they have explained to her about vampires, mates and their bonds and lastly they told her about us. Y/N told us that Edward, his siblings and Bella told her that her mate is an elite guard and is the strongest vampire in the world but nothing else personal about him. When asked why she came here if she knew she was to be rejected; her answer was...surprising" Caius adds "What was her answer?" Felix asked unsure if he really wanted to know "Edward told her if we found out that they knew about Y/N being mates with one of our guards and they didn't tell us; we would kill them and bring her here by force and they wouldn't risk their lives for her" Aro answered. "Where is she now?" Felix asks sounding concerned "I sent her to Heidi's room with Heidi whilst we discuss things" Aro replied. "May I see her? Set things straight?" Felix asked; hurt clearly showing in his eyes. "I think it best if she stays with Heidi for tonight and rests, maybe speak to her tomorrow" Marcus adds gently. "Ok, if you think that is best. If that is all, I think I'm going to go for a walk outside" Felix says bowing his head "Of course my boy, we understand" Aro says.

Felix leaves the throne room "Demetri go with him please, he shouldn't be alone right now" Caius adds. "Yes master" Demetri bows and follows Felix.

"Hey wait up Felix" Demetri says running to catch up with his friend. "How are you doing?" He asks "I'm shocked...angry...worried; I've waited a long time to meet my mate and this is not how I thought things would go. I mean...I'm not even able to see find out if she is definitely mine. I don't understand why the Cullens are involved either" Felix replied "The Cullens are involved because Y/N is Bella's younger half-sister" Demetri answered "W-what?" "Y/N lost her mum six months ago and was sent to live her dad, who she's never met before and she and Bella only met about 10 days ago, totally out of the blue. She isn't wanted by them either" Demetri added. This just upset Felix more "I haven't said I don't want her D" Felix said looking at his friend "I know that. I-I don't think this will help matters but you should know she...she came here out of fear" Demetri said cautiously. "Explain now!" Felix growled out "They told her that if she was to run and hide the Volturi would send me; the world's the best tracker after her, and that I'd bring her here kicking and screaming if needed...and that she would incur the wrath of her mate, who can be...rather cruel. She just figured it was easier to come here willingly...even if she wasn't wanted and would be rejected" Demetri answered. "She knows her mate is the strongest vampire in the world but doesn't know her mate's name; she doesn't know that he's you" He added. "Kicking and screaming? Unwanted? Cruel?" Felix asked and Demetri just nodded. "She's never going to talk to me let alone give me a chance to show her what I am really like" Felix sounded hurt; Demetri felt sorry for his friend "When we get back go and speak to Heidi, Y/N will probably be asleep anyway" "Y/N is...human?" Felix asks with a small smile "Yes and she is really pretty...for a human" Demetri replies grinning.

Jane left the throne room when the other guards came on duty and went to the kitchen to get some food for Y/N. "Gianna what do you think Y/N would like to eat?" Jane asked "I've made chilli and rice for myself and made enough for Y/N, just in case" "Thank you Gianna" Jane took a bowl and made her way to Heidi's room. "Heidi I've bought Y/N some dinner, Gianna made enough for them both" Jane said as she entered the room "Thank you Jane" Heidi replies. "Y/N this is Jane, she has bought you dinner" "Nice to meet you and thank you for dinner" Y/N smiles at Jane "You're welcome sweetie" Jane replies smiling. "How is she doing Heidi?" "Surprising well considering what she has been told about us and her mate" Heidi replied, their conversation too quiet for Y/N to hear. "I actually feel a little sorry Felix" Jane said "Me too Jane. How did he take the news when the masters told him?" Heidi enquired "He was shocked but was also concerned for Y/N, he left the castle to go for a walk, and Caius sent Demetri after him" Jane responded.

Felix made his way to Heidi's room once he returned to the castle; he wanted to know that Y/N was ok and if Heidi thought he had a chance to be with her. He wasn't feeling very hopeful. He knocked on the door lightly not wanting to wake Y/N. "Hi Felix, I wondered when you'd come by"Heidi said quietly "Y/N is asleep" "I thought she would be. It was you I came to see" Felix said quietly looking over at Heidi's bed; seeing a head of Y/H/C hair lying on her pillow. "She's really pretty Felix, she has Y/E/C eyes" He  looked at her and smiled stepping back into the corridor "Talk to me Heidi, please" She nodded and stepped into the corridor and closed the door "What do you want to know?" She asked "How is she doing?" Felix asked low "She's ok, but I wish she'd never met Bella or the Cullens. They've broken her even if she tries not to show it" She replied "Broken? You mean...because of the way she has been treated since her mum died?" He asked concerned "Yes Felix. She has felt unwanted and unloved for the last six months; I think that's why they sent her here...they don't want her. What I don't get though is why they told her that crap about you. It's as if they want her to be unhappy" Heidi sounded angry "I know, the masters and Demetri have told me what she has been told" He said "She doesn't know you're her mate. They didn't bother to tell her your name. You do want her Felix don't you?" Heidi asked "I haven't met her and I know Marcus hasn't confirmed it; but since being told that Y/N is my mate she's the only thing I've thought about, especially considering all the stuff she's been told by the Cullens" Heidi could see the venom in his eyes; the tears that'll go unshed.

Unloved and Unwanted?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat