◈ Chapter 30 ◈

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"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even know what you're saying?!", Taehyung stepped closer to him, as Soobin gulped but definately not even a bit scared of him this time.

"I'm not fucking lying to you! That Jung-- whatever his damn name was, he clarified it. He fucking said it on my face that whoever we are aiming for is not our target"

Taehyung took a couple of seconds to devour whatever he was saying.

"You're spitting nonsense!", Taehyung yelled in frustration as he paced back and forth in the room.

He tried his best not to believe his words, but part of him was accepting his stabbing words.

Soobin always respected Taehyung, he always obeyed him, but now things were getting out of his hand.

The fact that he had been with Taehyung since his childhood, because of the younger brother-like bond, he really wanted to help him out of this mess.

"For once in lifetime, can you let me help you?! For God Sake! I've always been there for you, can't you even let me guide you? I ain't your enemy here"

"Stop trying to be my boss here! Have some formalities with me! And how will you even help me get out of this mess? Don't forget you are the reason why Jieun is out there to God-knows-where!", Taehyung snapped at him, making Soobin step back a little.

At this point, Soobin was also losing his patience. Him and Hoseok, together just wanted to help him. But Taehyung being so stubborn wasn't even ready to accept the truth.

"Hoseok will already confront Namjoon by tonight with clear proof", Soobin said with total calmness. He wasn't someone who'd lose his temper even in such a delicate situation.

"You don't make sense! Get out of here, I want to be alone", trying to calm himself down, Taehyung sat on the couch as a heavy sigh left him.

"I always told you not to believe even the one you wholely trust, this whole thing was so risky, yet you blindly accepted whatever bullshit Namjoon
said", Soobin snapped at him this time.

They were stuck in a complicated situation and yet Taehyung was acting immature and stubborn. Totally not his typical nature.

"What do you want me to do now?! Go and congrate Mr Han on him being innocent?! Do you want me to throw a party?", Taehyung uttered, mockingly.

"I'm just telling you the truth. Not my problem that you aren't ready to admit it"

"Oh so you suddenly come up to me and tell me that the one I tried so hard to capture isn't even the one I was looking for?!", Soobin looked at him with pity. He understood him well.

Taehyung wasn't someone who'd like to accept his defeat easily. It was hard for him to take it all in.

"Not to mention, he was also the reason I left for Jeju, leaving my wife behind to bunch of people who couldn't even look after a single girl", mocking his security management, Taehyung pursed his lips.

Soobin already felt so guilty for his poor security system, and his words were only igniting the fire more.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I admit. But please try to understand things, we couldn't just--"

"Just a simple 'sorry' won't bring my wife back. Nor it would rewind the time", Soobin noticed how much Taehyung was hurt.

He lost his prey, and Jieun, both at the same time.

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