◈ Chapter 34 ◈

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Taehyung looked at the man before him with surprise. He totally didn't expected him to be there at Eunji's house.

"Oh~ look who we have here", with a satisfied smile of victory, he took a step forward to Jungkook who stood firm on his place.

He gulped before speaking hesitantly, "What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking that to you", Taehyung replied with a proud face. He knew he was close to finding Jieun.

"It's my girlfriend's house, I can visit anytime"

Eunji who was standing behind Taehyung all the time, choked on air and gave Jungkook an 'I-will-kill-you' glare.

Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows, looking at Eunji and then back at Jungkook.

"You two are together?"

"No", "Yes", Eunji and Jungkook both spoke up at the same time. Taehyung already knew they both were lying, he was pretty much experienced with these sort of things.

"First you both can decide whether you are together or not", Jungkook chuckled after hearing his words.

"First of all, whether if we are together or not, none of your business", he rudely stated whilst giving a death glare to both Taehyung and Eunji.

Jungkook gave Taehyung one last death-glare before trying to stride out of the scene, but got held by Taehyung who looked not in a good mood now.

"Where do you think you're going?", gritting his teeth, Taehyung asked.

"Leave my hand before I...", Jungkook trailed off, he couldn't find any words because of the way Taehyung was furiously looking at him.

Eunji on the other hand just looked down on the floor, not really wanting to be part of the 'manly conversation'.

"Where is my wife?", Taehyung got straight to the point, glaring at the man before him.

At this point, Taehyung was damn sure either Jungkook or Eunji were behind this. Or maybe both of them planned this out.

With a worried look of getting caught by the man before him, Jungkook yanked his wrist away before speaking, "If you can't take care of your wife, not my problem. Don't know why she runaways from you in the first place", fixing his shirt he was yet again about to make his way downstairs only to be slammed back on the wall with a great force by Taehyung.

He held Jungkook's collar, looking at him with nothing but hate and anger.

"Quit your acting! First you robbed me completely, now what do you want from my wife?! Don't you have any better job?!", Taehyung snapped, making Jungkook flinch at his every word.

He gulped before gathering himself some confidence to speak back at Taehyung.

"Jieun...she made me fall for her years back, and she's gonna pay for it--", a hard punch met Jungkook's jaw, almost making him fall down but Taehyung held him up.

"Talking shit about my wife right infront of me, what are you made of?!", Glaring at him with red blood shot eyes, Taehyung snapped.

Jungkook looked weak enough to fight back. "Which wife are you talking about? Oh the one you argue with 24/7? Stop pretending as if your relationship with her is all lovely and fine", Jungkook gave him a disgusting look, which seemed to have no effect on Taehyung whatsoever.

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