◈ Chapter 20 ◈

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Tapping my foot impatiently on the floor, my eyes wandered all over the place in search of a particular figure.

We both reached the restaurant earlier. Earlier than the decided time in Jisoo's plan. Taehyung was almost about to take me to some other five-star restaurant, but I made him change his mind and now we are here.

The place was crowdy, unlike the last time. Since Taehyung didn't really made the reservation himself, we got a public seat, and I made him sit here forcefully.

He is someone who doesn't like publicity, he would rather eat somewhere quiet, reserve a VIP table. This time, I forced him to sit here.

Well only for the plan.

Well, the plan of 'silent treatment' wasn't really going to work on Taehyung, considering the fact that I always ignore him and he doesn't even cares.

So Jisoo suggested me another plan. A ridiculous one, to be honest, but I was pretty sure it was better and would work. Atleast, I'll succeed to take my revenge.

While Taehyung was eating his meal, not caring about the surroundings, my eyes only wandered around to find the person I was waiting for almost 15 minutes.

"Where is he?", I muttered under my breath not liking the way this plan was going.

"Will you stop rotating your head 360 degree and focus on your food, it's getting cold", Taehyung sarcastly stated as I left out a nervous chuckle before picking up the fork.

Heck, I even lost my appetite.

It was past twenty-one, and he should have been here.

Before Taehyung finishes his meal, and decides for us to leave, he better comes.

I couldn't risk it anymore, so I tapped on the table, getting Taehyung's attention as he looked at me with eyebrows furrowed. I raised my pinky finger as he rolled his eyes and signalled me to go toilet.

I made up my mind to call him, and ask him where the heck was he? He should have been here by now.

I hurried my way to the toilet, getting in one of the cubicles, and that's when I realized, I left my phone on the table.

How stupid and clumsy of me.

I quickly jogged back towards the table, not caring about the people giving me judgemental look. I didn't cared for anyone at this point.

As I looked at the table, I faced my biggest nightmare.

Taehyung was about to recieve the call that was continuously ringing on my phone.

I'm doomed, Oh shit.

Not caring that I'm wearing heels, I ran towards him, snatching the phone as he looked at me dumbfolded. I looked at the caller's ID, it was Jisoo.

I left a sigh of relief, panting as I sat down on the seat before putting the phone again on the table.

And that's when my eye's met with Taehyung's and he looked quiet not in a happy mood.

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