Avada Kedavra. (gay friendly)

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"Do you think i should take a part in the triwizard thing?" Asked Eliot
"Yes! And tell my parents i love them when you go to heaven!" Teased Ivan and punched him with his shoulder.
"You might think you're funny mate but I will.."
"If you think you're ready.. let's put your name on the cup smarty pants"
Ivan grabbed his arm and stood up from the breakfast table, "come on.. let's make you a hero" he laughed because Eliot looked like he chickened out. He took a deep breath and finally decided "okay.. let's do this." They wrote his name on a piece of paper and placed it inside the goblet of fire.
"You look like you're gonna burst in tears" said Esmeralda, a sweet girl with long black hair that seemed to like Eliot.
"Ivan it was a mistake i don't want to die get it out.." he panicked.
"Stop it.. i was just teasing you.. you're gonna be great.. you're a great wizard!"
"I agree.. do you remember the night you defeated that werewolf, even tho it was a bogghart you did great." Agreed Ivan and Esmeralda.

Eliot was chosen between other two wizards from bauxbatons and Castelobruxo.

"You can do it Eliot just keep focused on the egg! You can do it!" Ivan grabbed Eliot's shoulders.
"WHAT EGG IVAN THERES GONNA BE A BLOODY DRAGON OVER THERE!" Eliot yelled while covered in sweat.

He did well on the first task, he managed to grab the egg meaning he moves on the next one, with only a few not very serious injuries.

The Yule Ball was announced and anxious whispers where heard in every part of the castle "whom should i take with me?" "Darius didn't invite me"
"No one will invite me" "I don't have any date!!!" Were the main things heard.

Ivan was more anxious than probably all of them, everyone found out that he's gay and that's how everyone started bullying him at his second year at hogwarts, once, the boys magically chained him to a scary place in the dark forest in the middle of the night. He was found by Snape after an hour that Macgonagall noticed he weren't in bed.
Freezing, scared. Then carried him inside the school, got the boys expelled but the harassment never stopped.

Macgonagall announced that she's doing dancing classes.

"Mr Rey, Ivan Rey." She pointed her finger to Ivan to stand up and be the "example for the class"
"Put your hand on my waist now boy."
Ivan is a great dancer and he knew how to dance Waltz (which Macgonagall tried to teach them)
"Good job Ivan!" Said Macgonagall laughing. "I want all of you to take Ivan as your example!"
"What? Be fags?" Yelled a guy from behind. "Dude.. will you ever shut it?" Whispered Eliot from the front row.
"Whoever said that, sit up please."
No one did. "Very well, Mr. Leatherdawn i gave you a chance to come forward but you chose the hard way." Macgonagall crossed her arms with her strict look that was enough to keep the whole class silent. "You will be helping professor Snape this evening and i would like you to tell him what you found so incredibly funny." She finished. "Now choose a pair and let's practice." Everyone chose a girl, Eliot Esmeralda, but Ivan didn't, all of them chose a pair and he was left alone, that's why he practiced with his Professor, "all of you, now follow me.. one.. two.. three.".

The evening came and Leatherdawn was approaching Snape's office to serve detention. Snape waited in front of the door and when he opened the heavy wooden door he saw his silhouette right in front of him. Snape grabbed him from the neck and raised him to his office door.
"We've talked about this...Mr. Leatherdawn."
"Professor... Professor I apologize.. i know it was wrong." He said half choking from Snape's rough hands. Then he let him fell down.
"Hand it to me mr Leatherdawn."
"Wh.. what?"
"Hand... me... your wand.."
Leatherdawn left his wand hesitantly on the hands of the man who was choking him not even a minute before.
"When i return.. the office better be completely tidy." He said and banged the door behind him. When Leatherdawn looked around, there were potion tubes, books and potions laying on the ground, old newspapers and pretty much everything was a mess, a mess that latherdawn had to deal with without magic.

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